3 reviews liked by taresusenu

Um bobeirol super divertido com cutscenes extremamente criativas e excêntricas. Estava me entretendo consideravelmente.

Mas infelizmente o Japão sofre seriamente da síndrome "não consigo fazer uma comédia bacana sem estragar tudo enfiando um plot dramático sem pé nem cabeça"

The most fun I had in years

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This game will preach empathy and love to victims of all kinds of bigotry EXCEPT racism and then woobify the weird pedophilic relationship. Abhorrently inconsistent and just miserable to think about, worsened by how average and unremarkable so much of the game's strengths feel beyond the 2 obvious highlight characters. Just read Umineko instead if you want to see this sort of story done with any tact and more interesting writing to boot. One of the most disappointing experiences I've ever had with a game.