It's a simple game that's difficult as can be. Collect all the dots and don't get hit by the stuff that's coming after you. Tons of fun, even if frustrating.

Not really a sequel to Jumpman more than it is a new level pack. Still, the levels here are just as good, if not better than the original, and the gameplay is just as good.

Very simple early platforming/beat 'em up staring the Kung Fu legend himself. This is an iconic title on the C64.

A worthy sequel to Bruce Lee. The gameplay is exactly the same with a new, more difficult adventure.

Not really a sequel to Jumpman more than it is a new level pack. Still, the levels here are just as good, if not better than the original, and the gameplay is just as good.

Live out the fantasy of being a custom Jedi in this great action game.

This is definitely nostalgia talking because MK Wii improved upon this in every way, but man I still love this game. Reminds me of good times in high school.

Fun pirate simulator with Assassins Creed elements. Probably the highest point of the series outside of the Ezio games.

A fun diversion to tide you over until GTA V came out. The story isn't funny very immature.

I suck at fighting games but I know a great game when I see one.

Star Allies tried the combo mechanic again, but it was never as fun as this.

A cute game with a cute cast and a cute aesthetic. I had fun playing it, but it is very easy and not the best in the series by any means.

I think back in the day this would have been a fun adventure platforming game, but these days it just seems too cryptic.

A quite literal example of a kuso game. My buddy and I discovered this game on my PC Engine Everdrive. It's a generic space ship shooter, but the incredibly stupid and immature toilet humor makes this a blast to play with friends.

A unique shooting/fast-running platformer with a killer soundtrack.