First of all, you gotta get a working paddle controller. Once you do, grab a friend. Play on nothing less than the highest difficulty.

Your goal is to diffuse the cheery bombs the Mad Bomber at the top of the screen throws at you. You have three tiny, tiny buckets of water to put out the fuse. Each time you miss a bomb, you lose a bucket. The more bombs you catch, the faster the bomber gets. And once you get past about 600 points, the Mad Bomber goes berserk and starts throwing the bombs faster than even Sonic the Hedgehog could probably catch them. Once you lose all three buckets, KABOOM! All the bombs detonate. See how many you and a friend can get, and see who can get more.

Even on its hardest difficulty, this game isn't nearly as difficult as Kaboom, which it is very similar to, except the screen fills up with yolk and you get to throw the eggs back at the chicken.

Great Sonic-like game with fun characters.

A fun little action/puzzle game that's even better in multiplayer mode, where you can play an intense game of dodgeball with your buddy.

Your prototypical dungeon crawler (it's in the name). As a single player game, it's been done better in games like Gauntlet and pretty much all dungeon crawlers that came after. However, as a multiplayer experience, it's a fun outing that gives you a blank canvas in which to have a mini D&D session.

Just beat all the enemies and get to the exit. Easier said than done.

A basic but fun platformer with very good music as you'd expect from a Hudson game. Along with Bruce Lee on the C64, it's probably the best celebrity-endorsed video game.

It's been said already, this game is NOT worth enormous amount of money that it goes for, but this game does hold a rare distinction, along with Little Samson, in being a /great/ rare game. It's a cute 'em up with great characters and interesting, unique options for your ship- I mean, broom.

Emulate it, play it on Turbo Everdrive, or get a repro.

Though not as good as Yakuza 0, still a fun game in its own right. Takes a lot longer to get into than 0, but it pays off in dividends storywise. Also Majima's everywhere, so watch out for that I guess.

A game with a lot of potential to be a great linear WRPG, but even outside of its glitches, its story is not captivating despite some charming characters, and it's lack of immersion and class choices hinders it further.

Feels like a proper Pokemon game with its own kind of humor. Very well-done.

This is a really great and unique JRPG. You can tell how influential these games would be to later action RPGs and to the genre as a whole. Heck, even the Legend of Zelda series takes a lot of influence from Ys. Definitely a must play if for nothing else the historical perspective.

I can't complain because at the end of the day, this is a damn fine playing Turtles game on the Genesis. However, it is inferior to the SNES version of Turtles in Time, due to the lack of content comparatively, as well as the less-forgiving hitboxes. I still recommend any Genesis owner to get this, however. Just keep in mind this game shares more in common with the original TMNT arcade game than Turtles In Time Arcade.

This is a rather fun shooting game where you attack enemies with guns that shoot Big Mac sauce, I think. Would be a lot better if you didn't have to collect a certain number of Ms to beat the level, and also if it didn't have a hypocritical environmental message coming from a global conglomerate.