"I ask myself, were our eyes the same on that day?"

cannot remember the last time a game had me ugly crying this much Jesus christ
What a beautiful and intelligently written game, they rlly knocked it out of the fucking park 10/10 no notes, can't wait for dlc

Doesn't really hold up as well as Pac mans other arcade titles but still an enjoyable piece of gaming history :)

yeah to me this is the superior pac man arrangement, game was always kinda hard as balls but I grew up playing a lot of this on pac man collection on gba and the namco collection thing on gamecube. still my favorite version of pac man next to championship tbh. just very cute and vivid sprite work along w good level design and good music. played + finished on pac man museum + on switch

While this game for sure is more worth $10 than $20, I don't think this was a bad remake at all. Reviving the first HOTD and giving it ample space to be seen as its own game in 2022 was for sure going to amplify the flaws, but overall I think even the remake keeps the strongest traits the original game had. Monumental for the zombie genre in video games as a whole, I'm glad this game has gotten a chance to be remembered :) would've been nice to see new additions in the remake that weren't in the original (new optional story bits/endings, or maybe new characters) but I still appreciate this for what it was. Very much looking forward to The House of the Dead 2 Remake :)

man what a fun game, also G and Isaac are boyfriends

i spent an ungodly amount of time on this as a child and i remember the ending being one of my fav video game endings and yea its still gr8

the original game came out in a really weird period of my life and provided a lot of comfort as well as giving me a new kind of love for video games, so there was a lot riding on this for me personally lol. and let me just say this has been worth every delay, absolutely great work from the devs and writers

did a little replay since this isnt likely to be in sonic origins lol
really like this game, the characters and the tether mechanic, just wish it was a little bit more easily available

Easily breaking top 3 for Kirby, a rlly good segue into 3d Kirby and I'm excited to see where it goes after this bc I can only see it getting better

another staple from early childhood, wasn't sure how much i'd like this years later but this is absolutely still one of my favorite NES games ever. imperfect for sure but so much fun and ambitious, 5 stars bc bias

replaying this only confirmed to me its still the best pokemon game, and only so bc its an enhanced version of johto games which were absolutely peak pokemon. the aesthetic for this game is so sharp and never strays or clashes, and the music and environments are timeless. Only way Johto could get any better is if they make a new remake w mega evolutions and timeline adjustments. god tier pokemon game tht makes me miss when i was a kid and this was relevant + the newest one 💔

fingers crossed for let's go johto in the future

50% of this game is just waiting around for the system to let you interact w it again especially in battles. so overwhelmingly buggy and gives off a slightly shoddy vibe, but the graphics are nice and the game itself is enticing and makes you want to play it, but its just frustrating. was looking forward to a darker story but it comes across as very try hard edgy :/

maybe i'll give this another shot once it's more refined but its already 2 years old so idk if thatll happen

It's so nice to see game freak try new things and genuinely try to breathe some life into the franchise, this was a welcome entry and makes catching pokemon the most fun and quick it's been since let's go. HOWEVER the balancing in this game difficulty wise is absolutely insane, feel like I've had WAY more difficulty issues w this than i ever did for OG diamond and pearl. Very enjoyable and quality game w just some very very strange blind spots.

Story wise was definitely a bit let down, I really hope they at least tie together the last few threads in future updates, but with how huge the premise is the story being so miniscule really brings some disappointment. Was REALLY hoping for some more timeline lore like we got in the 3ds games :(