it's fine, worse than the main cleanup areas though

i don't know how exactly to put this but this game feels like almost antagonistic to the player? like "oh here's this tower, just do all these puzzles to go up it but also don't go up it!!!!" what i think about this game is how i imagine people who don't like the witness feel about that but I think the difference for me here is that the puzzles in the witness both make you feel smarter and are a lot quicker than the puzzles here, which feel very brute-forcy and drawn out

pretty cool, play it for the aesthetic and character interactions

it's kind of a nothing game but the multiplayer can be fun at times

crusty old puzzle game. it's fine sometimes

it's fine for a couple hours but nothing really stuck with me beyond the concept which is not new by any means

marginally fun with friends for an hour or two but generally not great


i always get to the city builder and drop it