More of the same as Overwatch 1 (which I do think highly of) but with some changes that I find very welcoming. (Changes to tanks, removal of certain maps and 2C + addition of Push) Battlepass system sucks inherently but I haven’t seen exactly how bad it can be just yet. Possibly will update the score a little bit if I feel like it gets terribad.

Played about 4 hours of it today and had a good bit more fun with it than when I last played Overwatch 1 and that’s all I was really hoping for.

This game sucks and especially on switch where it looks and runs like turd

Interesting concept but executed pitifully and has some certain objections that are impossible to just find and complete


I was hoping the 2022 re-remake would have its own page on this site but it does not— This looks and plays ever so slightly better than the 2020 version, I don’t think this is the worst thing I’ve ever played and I actually think its a little fun. Its got some janky animation and facial animations, and some movement options that are a little whacky too, but otherwise I think this is a mediocre remake. Again this is a review for the 2022 version, and I’ve not played the original and only watched footage of the 2020 remake.

I am and I am not upset that this game is getting shut down so soon; because barely anyone actually played it when it was up and it was not that interesting when I did find some matches. Despite how cool a magic based battle royale game sounded, it was just another average BR game with not a lot to offer.

It’s alright, carries some of the same jank and strange level design that one might expect from a ps1 era platformer. Music sounds untouched entirely, which I did and didn’t like.

Fun little daily time waster, wordle for gamers

I don’t know man, I just struggle to enjoy Digimon games and this one isn’t really different. The game looks nice, I like the style the characters are drawn in and that’s about it. I don’t mind visual novels when the story interests me or when the gameplay that accompanies it is great, but I get neither with Survive. The story doesn’t interest me at all and the gameplay is just average for a trpg.

And while not particularly Survive’s fault, I really don’t care about Digimon creature designs besides the handful of popular ones.

I wanted this to be the Digimon game I finally enjoyed, but I didn’t get that this time.

Truly did not expect this to be the best one.

With the final Overwatch event finally rolling out, I wanted to leave my thoughts on this game.

It certainly is hard to talk about Overwatch without at least glancing over at all the serious and cartoonishly evil things Blizzard have done over the years, but I’m not really going to go over that. Blizzard is deserving of every ounce of criticism and backlash they get, though.

Overwatch has been an important game for me ever since it released in 2016, because it gave me almost everything I wanted in a shooter. (If only I could aim down sights with every character—) Since launch day, I’d been playing this on and off for over 6 years. This is the only game I’d ever kept up with for that long.

Blizzard definitely have made some weird, and bad decisions with characters in the game, gameplay-wise, but I’ve never felt upset or outraged about Mercy’s rework, or Hook shenanigans, or how busted Moira or Bridgette were, like how other people have felt. And I’m not saying those people were wrong, but for me, all of that was like little events that kept the game stupid fun or interesting.

I have a lot of memories of playing this with my friends, and every hiccup from the game or from one of us being shit just made that experience much more fun.

I don’t think Overwatch deserves ALL of the flak it’s been getting, especially after Blizzard decided to shit all over themselves in the last 2 or so years, and this will just forever be an oddly special game for me.

Curiosity killed the cat
One of the only 2 games I’d ever rate a 0/5


Story and writing is whatever but you’d be a fool to let that distract you from how amazing everything else about this game is, it’s strongest points are the gameplay, soundtrack and style— and it heavily outweighs the lame writing and ‘eh’ story.