Some lunatics will try and tell you this version has inferior visual atmosphere to the N64 original. These people are demented. 5 stars.

The real magic of this game is how brilliantly it introduces the esoterica of the Planescape setting in order to tell the story it wants to tell. The core themes of the story are universal, but the context is bananapants crazy (and completely compelling). Yet by the end of the game you understand exactly what's at stake and why, and you haven't had to read an encyclopedia to get there. Thrilling 5 stars.

Love the shiny diorama visuals. Otherwise, it's Link's Awakening. A very good game 5 stars.

The AGES version has great QOL improvements that make for a fun, breezy retro RPG. This thing rips. 4 stars.

After 135 hours credits rolled. According to the internet there's an entire 3rd act after the credits I still have to play through one day. I think about that all the time. This game is magic 5 stars.

Very fun. 2 player co-op mode with my partner nearly ended our relationship multiple times. 5 stars.