70 vezes melhor que o de switch. Unico defeito é a IA que pega o waluigi, se fecha no power up de maneira incounteravel e usa o "power strike"(?) lá

Platinar esse jogo foi muito divertido

So much potencial, but after a few hours off the prision the game is tiring

I HATE mega evolutions mechanic

Yes. 5 stars. It may have a bit of a “tummy” in the last few hours of the game, but damn, that doesn't matter, this game is beautiful, the songs are awesome, the characters are interesting and the gameplay is perfect. Looking for treasure here is always rewarding and the “wheels” minigame is amazing. I did 100% of the game without any deaths, it may seem like an ultra easy game, but no. The game has difficult moments, but if you master the mechanics of parrying and timing your attacks, you'll be fine. I love this one.