I love this game. I remember where I bought most of my games from my adolescence, however I don't remember buying this game nor receiving it as a gift. It appeared in my life bringing my more joy than maybe any other DS game I owned. It's like a book of short stories, except it's a video game. It's like the best of Borges, Le Guin, and Bradbury short storied combined into a cute little pink guy game. Thank you Kirby.

What can I say? This game is an all-time classic that I think is good! I bought it from a Gamestop in a mall in 2011 that is now a Lush. I should probably replay this game to see what I think as an adult instead of as an impressionable teen.

I played this game after playing and loving Dragon Quest IX. At the time I didn't think it was as good as DQIX, but I was wrong. This game is better and the best Dragon Quest I've played!

I bought this game because of the commercials on Nickelodeon. I wish this was a joke. I'm glad I bought it. I played this game for over 300 hours. I did everything possible in this game and loved every second. So many of what I like in games comes from this: outfits, party customization, story structure that goes: new town, problem, solve problem by going to dungeon, everyone happy, big story beats happen along the way.

This game came with a special edition teal Nintendo DS. I loved this game as a preteen because for some reason I loved virtual pets. I think the teal DS is better than most other original DSes, so this game gets 2 stars. It's fine!

I played this game more than I should have. I think it's fun and bad, which is better than unfun and bad I suppose.

I played this game from like 2009-2011, and I didn't like it as much as Roller Coaster Tycoon. It's not bad though. Maybe if I had played it in 2001 instead of 2009 I would have been a zookeeper instead of a teacher.

I played most of this in co-op with my little brother. It's a soft, cute game that I still think about. Kirby is a great little guy, and yarn Kirby is like Kirby Kirby except he's made of yarn. Too cute!

This is my least favorite Mario Kart game. The item balance is wack. It's slightly higher than 1 star because I did enjoy playing this with my family, even though I didn't like it.

In 9th grade I broke my index finger playing dodgeball. I did catch the ball that broke my finger. I went to the doctor a month later (my family thought it was jammed) and they explained I had to have surgery. We bought this game for my recovery, and I played it occasionally for 4 more years. Every time I played I thought about my broken finger. I completed the fish in the museum, which was my pride and joy.

I'm a hater. I distinctly remember hating the talking animals explaining everything to me. The movement in this game is not as good as Super Mario 64. If you want more Mario, this game is more Mario.

My family got this game for Christmas. Every day of that Christmas break we woke up to my mom playing the game; she woke up early every day to be able to play it before us. She hadn't played many games since Super Mario World and Super Mario 64, and this was the game that got her to play again. She now has nearly 400 hours logged in Animal Crossing New Horizons.

This would be a 5 star game except the barrel rocket levels suck.

I know people don't like the New Super Mario Bros series. However, as a teen I wanted more 2d Mario. I had only played Super Mario World and I craved more. This game was more 2d Mario.

This game is almost everything that's good about video games. It's like the best of the Yakuza mini games but with motion controls.

This game was a vehicle for another Wiimote.