living out my slice of life anime dreams where I laze around watching TV with pikachu

When I'm feeling anxious and need a distraction, this game is my go-to. It's weirdly therapeutic to focus solely on carrying out a convoluted assassination plot.

I really love trophy hunting in this game- Hitman is great in that the achievements go deeper than just 'kill 100 people.' There are a million ways to take out a target, and even after playing a stage 20 times, I still manage to discover new things. It's really satisfying to go from stumbling blindly through a level to knowing it like the back of your hand!

Gameplay is janky and frustrating, models are frequently off-kilted (the mouths are weirdly crusty), and there are some problematic + uncomfortable moments in this game that give even the original Danganronpa a run for its money.

That being said, this game DOES write its two main heroines extremely well! Touko is fleshed out in a way that Danganronpa never really bothered to do, to the point where you can feel how much she's grown from the first game. Komaru is also a wonderfully written character. I was really, REALLY invested in watching this odd pair overcome the odds together while slowly building their friendship.

If I had to recommend it to someone, I'd tell them to simply find a cutscene compilation on Youtube. The gameplay is just very unfun, and the lows are far too low to warrant actually playing the game.

I'm so happy they updated the 3D models!! This game was my introduction to the Rune Factory series, and I'm thrilled to be playing it again. The event system in this game is so much easier than 4's random event mechanics, it makes marriage a lot easier (even though I do miss having surprise events). That being said, I wish they could have made all the bachelors in this game marriagable + added a female protagonist...

I'm in year 5 and loving it! They added so many quality of life fixes, and contrary to a lot of opinions, I actually like a lot of the character redesigns.

A fun detective romp that improves on a lot of hiccups Danganronpa had (I'm looking at you Hangman's Gambit). Characters I expected to hate ended up being near the top of my list! This game was a blast.

Still have to beat all the shrines, but it's so good- they improved on everything BoTW did and more! I enjoyed every moment of this game, it brought so much light to my life in a dark time.

The perfect detective game, full stop.