15 reviews liked by toxicgad

i accidently turned on some sort of polish or other language dub and couldn't turn it back to English and that made the game a million times more horrifying

Xavier Renegade Angel voice: "Do you know how to get to the Lake?"



Imagine prendre une autre classe que Iop.

Un jeu qui respire l'amour pour son matériel d'origine, à savoir l'univers RoboCop de Paul Verhoeven, mais souffrant bien trop de tares techniques pour proposer une expérience totalement plaisante au joueur.

Le titre est victime d'animations d'un autre âge et de cinématiques frôlant parfois le ridicule rappelant les heures les plus sombres de la PS2. Malgré un mode performance activé les chutes de FPS sont aussi trop nombreuses pour être oubliées, et l'action en devient ainsi parfois horrible visuellement.

Rogue City s'amuse également parfois à rester sous les 60 images par seconde ou encore à faire cracher votre console plusieurs fois sans réelles raisons...

Le sentiment de jouer Alex Murphy sauve néanmoins le tout et la violence qui se dégage des affrontements reste un gros plaisir, remémorant ainsi les films décomplexés des années 80/90. Le tout accompagné d'une histoire réellement sympathique s'imbriquant intelligemment entre l'épisode 2 et 3 de la franchise, et mettant en avant plusieurs personnages et échanges intéressants. Le scénario propose par ailleurs quelques phases d'enquête certes anecdotiques mais agréables, permettant au passage de découvrir toutes les facettes du métier de son protagoniste, et ceci sans oublier une mise en avant des traumas d'Alex Murphy suite à sa dualité robot/humain avec son homologue RoboCop.

Au final le jeu est imparfait mais demeure une expérience sympathique débordant de bonnes idées comme d'une réelle volonté d'aborder toutes les qualités de son univers éponyme. Une production prouvant au passage la montée en puissance de son studio même si il s'agit d'une progression qui se fait petit pas par petit pas.

Un FPS en somme aisément recommandable pour les fans de la franchise ou amateur de shooters bourrins mais pas au-delà d'une trentaine d'euros.



fitgirl went crazy on this one

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Look at all of you. Complaining about superfluous issues in your vidya. "Waaah, the story's unengaging! The aesthetics aren't as good as nocture/sj/whatever! They changed the gameplay! Too few save points! It looks ugly!" WHo fucking cares bro. This shit is the best playing megaten and it aint even fucking close. Does anything else really matter?

Perhaps blowing my load a little because I haven't fully completed it, but I think I can safely say this is the best game it probably could have been. Top notch gameplay, basically every change made to the battle system from 4 is objectively better (them removing smirk entirely, changing how light/dark attacks work, changes to buffs/debuffs, STATUS AILMENTS BEING ACTUALLY USEFUL).

And sure, maybe the story isn't as engaging as your personas and the like, but you know what this game has that those dont. Fucking cutscene direction. God, after playing FF10 and this I have no idea how the fuck people ever put up with peesona 5's decade long cutscenes of models standing there and doing absolutely nothing but a couple of stock animations. Jesus, jrpg fans have been putting up with that kind of shit for too long.

Anyway. Game's fun. Aesthetic's cool. Doi's design work has increased tenfold from 4a and SJR. I like running around the mountains collecting shit. Sidequests perfectly alleviate any need of grinding while giving you fun new content. Ratio. L. You fell off. Stan Bladee.

when the black hot dog guy called me his best friend i cried

this will always be one of my favorite FF games because of the gameplay depth and self-expression options you're given. i could spend much of this review singing the praises of the class system, but i honestly would rather you just take me at my word when i say "it is complex and rewarding without feeling obtuse", something that is extremely difficult to accomplish.

i think the story gets a lot less credit than it deserves, because it manages to be consistently funny/entertaining while still having standard FF dramatic stakes. i think exdeath is one of the best series villains, and it's entirely because he's a cardboard cutout of the prototypical FF villain (down to the absurd and existential origin story + weird cosmic horror-y final form). i think that many, many people overlook this game, and that's a shame! this is a very fun game that manages to both be light-hearted and emotional, which i think is a difficult tightrope to walk.

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