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14 hrs ago

2 days ago

franengard finished Unicorn Overlord
DAMN, that was fun.

I think that of all the games I've played this year, it has been one of the ones that clicked with me the fastest. From the first moment I was able to assemble my squad and get right into a skirmish, I knew I was going to have a great time playing. And so it has been.

Each campaign has flown by, its duration is perfect and the character options are practically infinite (even more if we count with the equipment). Rebuilding the cities, doing side quests that reward you not only with a character, but with more context and lore, and Fire Emblem-like conversations are the reasons why these skirmishes and campaigns also feel so good to do.

Its only weak point, in my eyes, is the main story. Nothing crazy or groundbreaking, but it serves its purpose: to tie all these stories and characters together for a common good. And interesting enough to not bore you during the main campaigns.

And I don't even need to mention how NICE it looks. Vanillaware always delivers and here it was not going to be less. The characters, scenarios and even the interface details feel fresh and match perfectly with the Switch.

In short, this union of Atlus with Vanillaware has been a success and, while we won't remember it for its story, we will remember it for how fun and charismatic it has turned out to be.

3 days ago

10 days ago

franengard is now playing Unicorn Overlord

10 days ago

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