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I'm going ahead and logging this strictly because i got so far before i locked my save at the cybill fight. Really great atmosphere in this game, I could imagine playing this on a crt is a much more unique experience but this game reminds me of why it's important to experience a game rather than just grind. Team silent knocked it out of the park with this one, but i'm going back currently to get the red liquid to throw on cybill instead so there will be another update soon.

Left 4 Dead reigns supreme, clunky gameplay mixed with upkeep that is lackluster, Back 4 Blood, which was supposed to be a successor to the L4D franchise is borderline unplayable in my opinion.

As someone who played Garry's Mod religiously as a pre teen, the half life 2 engine is still one of my favorites. Black Mesa takes the engine and adapts the original Half Life game into a full on remake. Leaving this to the hands of dedicated fans was a bold move that pays off.

Borderlands 2 stands as the biggest entry in the franchise for me personally, blending the trademark visuals of the series with fantastic gameplay and a really fun story. I used to spend a ton of hours grinding characters and killing skags. The world of Pandora holds no boundaries in Borderlands 2.

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A childhood favorite, I've since grown out of it a little bit but for a looter shooter has one of my favorite campaigns in the series. Fuck The Destroyer though.

It would be an understatement if I left this as "One of the greatest of all time." Not particularly my go to entry in the series but god damn is it a masterpiece from beginning to end. I haven't touched Demon's Souls, but for nailing it in the coffin with sparking an entire gameplay genre is one of the things I love the most about Dark Souls. Some of the bosses absolutely kick my ass, but damn does it feel rewarding.

A certified classic from what i've played. I always brick my save which is super frustrating, but i shall persevere soon.