My favorite games of all time. Ordered, but my placements after the top 3 tend to shift around, so take it with a grain of salt.

Outer Wilds
Outer Wilds
Let it be known that after 4 years, I've still yet to find all the reasons I love this game. I hope that journey never ends.
Shadow of the Colossus
Shadow of the Colossus
Yeah, some of the colossi suck. Sure, the world is mostly empty. You're right, the game can be janky in some areas. But until I can find other game that comes even close to the experience of climbing on the back of a giant, living creature trying to violently thrash me off as sweeping orchestral music bellows in the background while I grip on for dear life with the force to fracture a thousand plastic controllers, this game is not moving an inch down.
Have you ever seen those fake games within shows and movies, or media inspired by games? They almost always present this general idea of gaming with monster-slaying, dungeon-crawling, loot-gathering, and boss-fighting with a seemingly endless number of things to do. But at the end of the day, all they're showing is a bunch of different aspects of games bundled together, referencing an ideal that couldn't possibly exist due to the limits of what gaming can do, right?

Then came Terraria, and that ideal existed.
Rain World
Rain World
Rain World is easily the game I'm the least sure about having on here. My playthrough of it wasn't the greatest; I apparently got very lucky, never really getting the chance to see the extent of what the AI could do, never truly having to worry about food after the first area, almost always coincidentally finding the path forward and never getting lost, amongst other problems. Rain World isn't on here because I'm chalking up the issues I had to just "bad luck". Rather, as I've gone through more and more games, everything about Rain World, from it's gameplay, visuals, music, and writing to it's overall design philosophy persistently sticks out as being so up my alley, I wonder if I had the experience to truly "get" it when I first played.

I plan to replay the game, which will decide whether it'll shoot up from this spot or fall out of the list entirely, but for now it feels wrong not at least being listed.


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