337 Reviews liked by tuskoub

I was so excited for this game when it was coming out. It's not a bad game per say, but man are the story and characters frustratingly bad. I didn't care for infinite use weapons but the other gameplay additions were fine. It irritates me so much because somewhere in here is a great game, but it's buried under so much junk you'd need to be able to overlook a LOT to fully get the most out of it

Birthright is an incredibly inoffensive game. I'd be lying if I said that any aspect of this game were bad but it would also be a lie to say any aspect is especially good.

I'm gonna talk about the first 5 chapters before getting into the BR specific story. I feel one of Fates' biggest problems is the complete lack of gray morality. Hoshido is obviously the right decision which makes the choice this entire trilogy is based around feel trivial. Also, Mikoto's death is probably the most pathetic story beat in this series. We have known this woman for less than an hour but we're meant to feel sad at her death? Further, Mikoto is a stranger to Corrin yet her death impacted them enough to push them into dragon mode? It's honestly more impressive than anything that they managed to make a death that was less impactful than REDACTED from Awakening.

Past that the story is almost entirely filler. There are really only 2 things that happen in this story. The first is reuniting with your brothers and the second is invading Nohr but those only make up a few chapters of this 28 chapter long game. This story definitely isn't bad but that's not exactly impressive when the story plays it this safe. There are some parts that I like. That is to say I like Leo. He's cool. The fact that Garon was just an evil dragon in the end rather than having a shred of interesting motivation was a bit of a letdown. That's pretty much all I have to say about the story, it sure does exist.

The supports are excruciatingly boring. They're so long-winded and have absolutely no substance to them. This is by far the most lifeless cast I've ever bore witness to, it's amazing that this game has so many supports but the cast still has no depth. Oh, also, you find out that the Hoshido family isn't really your family. This was obviously only done to allow the player to marry whoever they want without having outright incest (I belive we get to talk more about that in Rev, oh boy). Gotta love how the developers were less focused on telling a good story and more focused on making sure the player didn't feel too weird for wanting to marry and impregnate their 13 year old sister

The best part of BR is the new mechanics. Hidden weapons are a ton of fun to make use of and the ninjas are easily my favorite new class. The reclass system has been massively improved from Awakening and actually requires some thought this time. This game really isn't difficult enough to warrant diving into these systems but the systems themselves are so fun that I find myself wanting to explore them anyways.

The map design is probably the weakest part of the gameplay. It's very much a sequel to Awakening with large open maps and enemies thoughtlessly dispersed throughout. It got rid of the absurd ambush spawns though which is a huge plus.

I think the biggest improvement BR (and the other routes as well) made compared to Awakening is making it significantly harder to juggernaut with a single unit. Corrin is obviously strong but not nearly enough to solo the game with ease like Robin could and the presence of debuffing weapons makes that style of play even less feasible. This makes training up a group of units actually worthwhile which in turn gives you more opportunities to engage with Fates' unique systems.

Even though I enjoyed my time with BR overall, I still can't bring myself to recommend it. This game doesn't have anything that makes me think it would be worth someone's time. Most people who I've met enjoy FE for either the story or gameplay and regardless of which side of the fence you're on, there are most definitely games you would enjoy more than BR.

Edit: oh mein gott I forgot to mention the weird baby dimensions. They make no sense but did you really need me to tell you that. At least the kids can be fun as units but story wise it's an absolute nightmare.

Unbelievably disappointing. This game represents everything wrong with Nintendo's occasional game philosophy. It spits in the face of the previous games and RPGs as a genre.

Difficult to say if this is the worst game I've ever played but it's absolutely the most upsetting

Was my introduction to the Paper Mario series.
I wish I played Thousand Year Door instead.
When I was younger, I played through to the final boss and then it felt so unbelievably unfun and unbalanced that I just gave up.
I still never have beaten it, and I never plan to.

Nintendo made 2 of the best sidescrollers ever in a fucking row.

Gets way too much flack for being "different" (which yes I understand the history that literally everybody knows now) and instead people ignore just how rock solid of a platformer Super Mario Bros 2 actually is. Sure, it's not as tight as the first game nor as varied and charming as later installments, but in it's place are four distinct characters, each with their own unique playstyles, and level design that actually rewards replay and exploration.

It just feels really good to go through to boot. I love the throwing mechanic, and how it allows you to use enemies as their own platforms. I love the different kinds of enemies in this and how each one is completely unique from each other. I love the improved sprite work from the first game. It's just a great, fantastic time, if a little clunky sometimes. Still worth a check out if you haven't played it, and worth a second look if you dismissed it at first.

If anything can dethrone Mario 3, it's this one. Basically perfect, no notes here - just top tier, intuitive platforming with colorful, gorgeous 16-bit sprite work, a great soundtrack, and stellar level design that rewards exploration and doing things "just because". If there is a nook, there is likely something there to explore. And if there is a cranny, there is absolutely some coins to jump and get or a power up that could save your ass. It's a perfect blend of everything you love about Mario games in one swoop.

And of course, the introduction of Yoshi, who changed the game in various ways but mainly in how he gives Mario new tools to play with in his arsenal. And the same goes for the cape, which is easily one of the best powerups the series has had for it's versatility. While my heart belongs to Mario 3 and it's sheer ambition for the system it was on and the variety in it's levels and powers, Mario World probably has my brain. It's one of Mario's most exciting, replayable, and charming outings, and a must play for anybody wanting to get into the plumbers adventures.

TearRing Saga: Berwick Saga: Lazberia Chronicles Chapter 174 is not only a fantastic name for a video game, but also one of the greatest examples of the greatest video game genre, the srpg. So total and utter in its execution to have momentum as a gameplay element in a genre that is often chided as "just chess, but if you found the rook hot." Not to be confused, of course, with the greatest example of the srpg as a genre, Banner Saga, where I DO indeed find the Rook attractive.

But this game has no need to have attractive characters, because it's all about the story. There's so much rng and diversity of strategy in this game that you'll be able to tell so many weird and wonderful stories with it, and really, that's all that matters when it comes to video games, or any art, really.

Really not a game with attractive characters. But it tells such a complex story. People suck off matsuno a lot with ff tactics and tactics ogre. Which are great but they don't have the tone of desperation of war that berwick saga and thracia does. Which kaga pulls off so well.

One of the best turn based strategy games. Has some flaws but it is overall an amazing game.

You spend the most time preparing for battle which sounds weird, but it is actually one of my favorite things about the game. Management has never been so much fun before.

a good 60 hour fire emblem game

I went in expecting a fire emblem clone but got a very unique srpg with lots of depth and options. Probably Kaga's best game.