10 reviews liked by twlightown

It's actually really impressive how they got a game like Kingdom Hearts to even work on the Nintendo DS. It works near flawlessly and my only real gripe is how the lock on and camera interact sometimes. It may have chosen a mission structure instead of the traditional one, but if you think about it, it's a portable DS game meaning it was designed to be played in short sessions. Not every mission is a winner as I swear to christ if I have to kill another Emerald Serenade it's so boring or as quick as defeat the Deserters, but there are a lot more winners here. The music is mostly recycled from KHII but that's not a complaint. Could you imagine someone going "oh man I have to listen to MASTERPIECE COMPOSITIONS for a whole nother video game"? That'd be bizarre you can put Vim and Vigor and Rowdy Rumble into every game ever and I'll still enjoy it.

The Panel system is pretty fun to use, I love this kind of puzzle power placement system. It starts out simple but becomes more puzzle-like as time goes on and you ultimately determine how you want to build your Roxas.

The story is also compelling, even if it's told a bit slowly due to all the missions. This is definitely the beginning of "The Disney Worlds are just decoration" and there was only two Disney fights: Lock Shock and Barrel (which this is the third time you fight them in this series) and Pete (Who's an easier version of his previous fights in the series). Some worlds are also kind of tired as Square this is the 4th time you've shown off Agrabah and Halloween Town in class, but at least most of the all worlds being recycled plays into the narrative. The one interesting World that wasn't in KH1 was Beast's Castle, which plays as a prequel to its KH2 appearance. The whole story in general sets up for KH2 and worlds really well as a midquel to it with its own compelling characters. The cutscenes also take advantage of the DS hardware, sometimes showing two separate things on both screens, even certain gameplay elements which is impressive!

It's baffling how every game got some sort of enhanced version except this one (which only got translated via HD Cutscenes) as this underrated game definitely deserves another chance.

i love roxas and xion and axel but i hate kingdom hearts

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I picked this up as a 10 year old on recommendation from a gamestop employee. Said employee did not inform me it was part of a series, or literally anything about what to expect. I fell in love. Xion's death makes me cry. Good game.

FF7 is a baby RPG for babies, game is easy as hell. I do like Cloud and Tifa has big bazongos. The sequence where Cloud got autism was pretty surprising, I like that he isn't this invincible super Chad. Music is amazing.

why the fuck was this game never remastered, I NEED IT TO HAVE GOOD GAMEPLAY

the divorce in here is fucking horrendous. roxas and xion deserve so much better. uhhhh we got dilfs in here? ig. its kind of hard to focus on them when im balling my eyes out. i didnt have the heart to call saix baby girl for like 3/4s of this games run time . yeah

i dont care how much you visually abstract it, hallmark movie heteronormativity will never be avant garde bitch!!!!

Fun celebration of the series. Music contributes much to the atmosphere of Kingdom Hearts, which I find to be the series' most indelible appeal across so many entries. Melody of Memory successfully utilizes this appeal within its core gameplay, with levels built to stimulate the reminiscing of the player while also offering greater challenge for those that desire a more involved playthrough. Perhaps not too approachable for newcomers, but perfect for dedicated fans.