if this game was a little longer it would be the greatest game of all time yup

good game on the worst system ever i saw only red for days after beating this XD

it did not have to be 100+ hours long. third semester was really good, but not good enough to justify playing through persona 5 story again...

singleplayer content bad
multiplayer content good
dlc costumes bad
gameplay good

my ass could not take the story seriously, but i liked the atmosphere and the gameplay was chill

i wish genshin impact was this kind to me

the best fire emblem game on the nintendo switch (until genealogy remake comes out)

the best part about this game is the fact that you can skip the entire thing with the warp staff

the worst game ive ever had the displeasure of playing (i dont like this game because sloth sucks envy sucks wrath sucks the final boss sucks). also after beating this game when i closed my eyes, i would see only hallways and it was really scary

i beat this game with savestates sorry im not a real gamer

the best game i think no one should play because its bad