It's way more than just a "you are a cat" gimmick game. The sheer level of quality and the amount of worldbuilding surprised me. I'd recommend it!

This game is worth a try imo. It's pretty polarizing from what I have seen, but I'll try my best to summarize what I liked about this game.

This game feels like it's a sampler of all favorite parts of Titanfall's mobility and pace of combat AND the solid environmental and gunplay of old Battlefield. It feels like almost every mechanic is dedicated to making a match feel dynamic with the amount of map altering or ability range a player can utilize. There are some balance issues with certain choices being more or less fun than others (like the heavy class feeling a lil too chunky for me in a game built to promote movement), but I'm really impressed for a game that just released. It's the current game for "boy's night" right now which is an achievement for any game. They just need to balance some abilities (please buff some weapon magazines) and give me more destruction and mobility tools for medium and the heavy class imo.

this is the bethesda game of all time.

i’m currently grinding away to get the last few achievements, but i’ve played the game more than once and I feel comfortable reviewing it now.

this is probably the purest sequel to exist. it’s “safe” in that the only gameplay changes are adding two, new drink bases, the ability to give some items to customers, and most of the original cast returns with a few new faces. that “safe-ness” is not a bad thing though! it’s familiar and the game leans into the theme of change, but wanting stability. big fan of this. guess i’ve been burned by bad sequels too many times lol.

new characters are cute ‘n fine. jokes and story maintains the quality of the original. music is still fire.

i really don’t have any critiques for this game, but it doesn’t hugely innovate. it does everything well like it did in the first one which is all i could’ve asked!

looking cool joker (if you like persona or jrpg games, you'll like this game.)

For less than most battle passes, you can get an early access game with endless replay value with the buds with little nonsense. There's a learning curve to the game, but going through that is the core of game imo. I'm not annoyed if we all die to a monster cause it's generally very funny/my own fault.

It is very friend dependent though! You will need a group of buds.

A very cute game that helped me relax. Some of the actual gameplay was a bit frustrating (like the exact order of ingredients mattering despite none of the recipes sharing the same three ingredients) and the game leaves you out in the dark with some of the customer's orders but it wasn't enough to ruin anything. I had a good time and I hope there is a sequel.

It's a shame that this is the most stylized battle royale imo but suffers from predatory microtransactions and a horrific meta...

I'm sure it's a great game if you put the time and effort into it. The tutorial was kinda a mess and the difficulty spike upon leaving the first area was huge! I tried to play it with my friends and we all dropped it after a couple tries.

For what it is, it's pretty impactful.

This game is incredible. Easy 10/10. Please play this game if you want a good story.

i don’t think i'll ever get to the super hardcore end game, but the early game has been pretty fun. i actually liked the campaign a lot (which for an mmo is wild) and enjoyed spinning in circles as a barbarian. would spin again.

It's a little short, but a game clearly full of love and it has been an absolute blast to play. The cult building survival and dungeon rogue-like gameplay flow into each other very well and the art is so charming. I am excited for the new DLC!

burn my bread! pretty good game.

This game absolutely rules. Even if you don't like rogue-like deck builders, this game is so unique and cool that it is worth experiencing the story.

Also, trust the game. Things shift dramatically in the second act, but it feels really short and imo still as enjoyable.