114 Reviews liked by typ0wer

The only good Battle Royale

Imagine a Diablo clone....that's actually a Musou in disguise.

That's this baby. And with a killer artstyle and great roster to boot. A real love letter to Marvel

FFXIV wishes it was this cool

NT is not a real game

Not a perfect game, but a 10/10 game.

Another in the category of "not a perfect game, but a 10/10 game"

Yay, Toby Fox is making another game!!

I really love his approach on making a basket of common characters and settings to make another universe of it. Deltarune isn't Undertale or its sequel, just another different game but with reused assets! To put it way too simply lol

Anyway, what Undertale lacked, I really do think Deltarune will make up for it. And god, the music!!