Sights & Sounds

"...marriage between the history, culture and technology that humans combine together to create art" - Super Bunnyhop

The Neverhood
The Neverhood
Scary, dark beauty made out of earth, mud, slime, farts and burps. Pure creativity.

Abe's Odysee is eyeballing this spot, but I need to play it more to decide that.
Ridge Racer Type 4
Ridge Racer Type 4
Ditto with the last entry, only this one gets an extra point for being a vehicle game, a free pass towards arcade excellence.
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
An adaptation of Samurai Champloo before it even existed. A sleek combination of tradition and modernity. Every aspect of this game from the excellent spritework to bumping soundtrack to mechanics oozes honor, restraint and class.
Tekken Tag Tournament
Tekken Tag Tournament
Turn of the century Namco arcade goodness. Excellent, classy CGI, one of the most out there soundtracks and beautiful combination of classic and new sound samples. Probably the last Tekken one could call "refined".
Wipeout 3
Wipeout 3
Perfect adaptation of going to a european club at the turn of the century.
Valkyrie Profile
Valkyrie Profile
A Playstation game with sprites and Mode 7? Yes, and it's one of the most epically beautiful games in the world.
Hitman: Blood Money
Hitman: Blood Money
Shares cultural dna with Rockstar output at the time but has class and complexity to exceed those shackles.
Devil May Cry 4
Devil May Cry 4
Best DMC graphics to this day. Fortuna has such a pazzaz with it's architecture and lights, character models are so alive and expressive. Had Temen-ni-giru not been such a grey blob 3 would've had this spot, as I prefer it's story and gameplay, but as a technical achievement this takes it. I ran this on a Pentium 5 Windows XP assembled in 2005 and it delivered consistent 60fps, how do these mad lads get away with this.
Jet Set Radio
Jet Set Radio
A power fantasy about young people gaining control of their neighborhood and community without commiting physical violence. Legendary aesthetics, matching gameplay.
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
Such a deeply realized world it's actually insane. Coming back to Rabanastre alone and seeing its architecture, its vistas is breathtaking. How did they realize this on the PS2 is beyond me.


1 year ago

love to see another jsr appearance on one of these lists. is it cool if i submit this as a ballot to the master list?

1 year ago

sure, I'd love that

1 year ago

I'd love if you used Wipeout 3 or Valkyrie Profile as a rep, whichever is not taken

1 year ago

word up, both of those are open!

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