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1 day ago

1 day ago

decayofangel finished Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
i won't write much about mgs2 and 3 since everyone pretty much said everything there's to say about them, both simply amazing gaming experiences with philosophies and narratives that made me tear up. i will focus more on peace walker, since there's lots mixed opinions about that one.

first of all i will say that narratively these games are 5/5 for me, really immersive experiences that broadened my horizons, the only thing i disliked is the gameplay which is imo dated and clunky. :(

anyways peace walker's story may be my favourite metal gear story. i got really attached to the characters and learning the whole truth about the boss was something so tragic. i loved how the cutscenes were like a comic, accompanied with brilliant yoji shinkawa artwork. kaz and big boss' relationship may be something i loved the most in the game and the way it is preparing us for the impending doom awaiting. awful boss fights aside, i have to admit the final fight was really an experience, accompanied with j-poppy tunes, truly a sight to see.
also the tapes are a nice addition which helped me totally immerse myself into the game universe and overall it gave much depth to the characters accompanying big boss.

continuing the story now with V and being really excited for the snake eater remake!!

1 day ago

decayofangel completed Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
i won't write much about mgs2 and 3 since everyone pretty much said everything there's to say about them, both simply amazing gaming experiences with philosophies and narratives that made me tear up. i will focus more on peace walker, since there's lots mixed opinions about that one.

first of all i will say that narratively these games are 5/5 for me, really immersive experiences that broadened my horizons, the only thing i disliked is the gameplay which is imo dated and clunky. :(

anyways peace walker's story may be my favourite metal gear story. i got really attached to the characters and learning the whole truth about the boss was something so tragic. i loved how the cutscenes were like a comic, accompanied with brilliant yoji shinkawa artwork. kaz and big boss' relationship may be something i loved the most in the game and the way it is preparing us for the impending doom awaiting. awful boss fights aside, i have to admit the final fight was really an experience, accompanied with j-poppy tunes, truly a sight to see.
also the tapes are a nice addition which helped me totally immerse myself into the game universe and overall it gave much depth to the characters accompanying big boss.

continuing the story now with V and being really excited for the snake eater remake!!

1 day ago

decayofangel finished 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
the premise and overall story of the game with multiple protagonists pov's that are complimenting and filling up holes of the others was super interesting and got me hooked for a good while and most of the characters were really interesting but in the end game i was getting a bit burned out.

it doesn't really help that i wasn't a fan of the battle system and the way they tried to shoehorn various romance angles (some of which don't make sense and butcher certain characters) but all in all it was a good experience! the story would work so well in a book format. also i wanted the game to give us more of izumi/chihiro because they were the most interesting duo besides takatoshi and okino. oh well !

2 days ago

9 days ago

11 days ago

decayofangel finished Red Dead Redemption 2: Ultimate Edition
i think everyone has probably verbalised my feelings about this game better than i can, but i'll try and keep it nice and short.

anyways, being a part of this game's world for 3 months or so was definitely such a precious and immersing experience i don't think i felt recently. it's just so beautiful and fun and it's just a game that i find myself thinking about a lot.

arthur's story is something so emotional, something so human, it made me connected to everyone around him and himself of course and made his whole journey so memorable with just simply being human beings who make mistakes and try to connect despite being flawed and coming from various ways one can encounter in life.

roaming around camps, listening to everyone's story, trying to make the best out of life even though you're in deep, that's arthur morgan to me. arthur passing the baton to john and their bond is something so beautiful to me and even though the end of arthur's journey was so sad and tragic, john's epilogue and little family has healed me, truly an amazing way to end the game.

even just riding your horse around the huge map, enjoying the scenery, fishing or just strolling around town is fun and not something tedious and boring.... i love how every character had their relevance and story and how you can in every step find something relevant to them. the characters feel real, their struggles and emotions feel very human and not tropey and even the antagonists are written in a fear inducing way, not because of the violence or gore, in a psychological way mostly.

i'm rambling once again but you just need to experience this game once in your life. such an amazing and emotional narrative that i will always remember. instant 5/5.

12 days ago

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