perfectly serviceable racer that unfortunately can't shake the generic vibes of Fortnite and the Fortnite business model just doesn't seem like a good fit for this kind of thing

great little introduction to the steam deck filled with great Portal humor

the blueprint for every military shooter campaign that would follow - how does it hold up? The sections where you have to wade through a clown car's worth of respawning enemies are kinda annoying but are made up for with the more straightforwardly linear setpiece sections - All Ghillied Up in particular is the highlight of the game's campaign. It also marks the breaking off point from the vaguely grounded WW2 stories of CoDs past into its own amusingly convoluted Tom Clancy-esque alternate future lore. Shoutouts the delightfully 2007 Infinity Ward rap that plays over the credits.


it's a kind of mid 6th gen console shooter with really good dressing it feels very good to shoot things until they explode

surprisingly solid campaign, the anthology format is a great way to keep things fresh and have different styles of interesting self-contained stories. Tone definitely leans more towards pulpy war comic which is a plus imo but you're not gonna be learning about the horrors of WW1 here lol

another unfortunate case of having super cool physics tech but not being able to translate that into a fun game

DKC1 starts pretty great but kinda falls into cheap design and annoying gimmicks quickly. Looks and sounds fantastic tho

super cute and free visual novel, we love seeing sonic and his pals interact
the danganronpa style minigame never felt quite right to me tho so I just cheated past it

boatloads of music that you're bound to find some you'll be into and fantastic gameplay that's fun to get better at and will test your ambidextrousness
you can also dress Rin in a variety of cute outfits so it's peak

playing as Ardyn is fun but I kinda found the story a bit shit
a lot of the new details added to his backstory feel like they make him a less interesting character, the raid on Insomnia feels like a massive thing to have never been mentioned before, and the stuff with Bahamut in the ending feels like a huge stretch
We'll see how I feel when I get around to the novelization but if this was the direction the Dawn of the Future timeline was taking ehhh maybe it was better off dead

it's an extra twenty minutes of Half-Life and it comes with the steam version now so hey

sampled this for a couple hours cause I don't really have the patience to grind out a multiplayer expansion by myself, maybe one day I'll go throw on a podcast series and go back to it but probably not lol
if you got three buddies who REALLY like FFXV's combat and REALLY like MonHun grinding this might be the game for you! the combat is pretty good honestly, you don't have as much auto tracking as Noctis so you have to play a smidge more carefully and you have access to more weapon types based off some of the royal arms like a katana and mace. It is very much a grind out missions kind of thing tho, don't expect much story besides a little bit of insight into what's happening during Noctis's naptime and getting to hang around some of the C-listers of FFXV. I really dig the color palette and visual style, borrowed heavily from Kingsglaive, tho you can definitely tell this was a very budget expansion

surprising amount of heart
the combat is very reactive with a heavy emphasis on the two types of parries over combos while mixing in third person shooter gameplay. It can be a challenge to get the hang of at first, but use the built-in combat practice to get the hang of it. The story is almost hitting on some legit themes about dehumanizing ourselves to corporations for money though it's not quite at the forefront enough to fully land but I'm surprised it was aiming that high. it does feel like it could have used one or two more levels before the endgame though

fantastic combat with a focus on large groups of enemies and story that feels the most essential to FFXV out of the DLCs so far, expanding on Ignis and Ravus and also providing an interesting alternate future ending