The magic isn’t there anymore for this one

Wanted to like this but the experience is undercooked, hollow and dull

Yeah the plot is very “anime” but I actually like the crew now plus the combat and music are next level. That final dungeon is unforgivable though, sure the events and design are great I just don't think it needed to be designed so poorly…

It’s like finding an lowkey N64 game at a Blockbuster because you couldn’t pick up Turok that weekend

Could’ve added a few more rpg elements as well as removed a few events that actually kills the pacing of the story.

Other than that this was a cool FF experience. Not a perfect one at all, but I had fun with it and that’s all that matters. It had some very high peaks & some deep lows, and yet there were more of the former than the latter.

Games are a lot more interesting when you don’t expect masterpiece all the time…

It’s the Tekken game I’ve been waiting for a long time minus it missing Forces Mode. Like this game is what I want from my fighters. Meaty single player, gorgeous to look at, Jin throwing hands with his father, Jin actually talking to his friends and family, CG endings. I would mention the online but that’s not why I play these games. Multiplayer with friends has always been serviceable enough for me…

Amazing potential but everything about this feels shallow and undercooked

Started off with potential and by the end it was still a lot of fun I just personally think stages are way too gimmicky and enemies start becoming way too spongy. Hopefully a patch or sequel can iterate on both of these

A game that’s filled with quality and passion you can tell the plan was to make it feel on par with PS1 era Square. I’d say it was a success in that regard minus two key parts.

First the style of open world means there really isn’t any true exploration in this large beautiful map.

The other issue is that the title can be a bit too indulgent at times, the minigames and a few story moments really should’ve been walked back.

Still, this is a title that moved me and I can’t wait to replay after I put some more time in other titles

Looks charming and feels good to play. My thought are pretty surface level since I played a few levels between work so I couldn’t delve too deep, but I don’t remember being annoyed with any of my sessions.

Decent title with interesting mechanics that misses the mark exactly like the original DD1

A bit too long for its own good & the campaign isn’t going to exactly set the world on fire, but at the end of the day it’s still pretty solid…

It’s not exactly groundbreaking, though overall the game is pretty solid. The wall running takes some getting used to, but after a few levels it became second nature.

There’s some jank yeah, but honestly my main gripe is that all of the boss fights are pretty awful. I know that’s the usual for shooters, these really were some of the worst.

There’s a great foundation here so I’m hoping the devs upon it in a sequel someday…

A pretty decent shooter that felt nice to play actually

My only issue were:
- lame secrets
-a lack of a map *levels don’t feel well crafted
-Despite it being a short game it somehow felt like it overstayed its welcome

Didn’t hate it but wouldn’t say I loved it either

a neat love letter to 2000s game design, music, cartoons, anime, movies, etc. it’s 90% a title made for me™️ outside of a few things that I didn’t really click with.