I just don't get bored of this game. I started playing it for fun and it is now part of my cardio routine. I stopped playing last year cuz my drum broke but I'm back at it again!

A cute and fun game. I wish I'd played it when I was a child, but I don't complain too much based on how gorgeous it looks in the Analogue Pocket.

I started playing this game in 2019 (or so) on Nintendo Switch and stopped because of the nature of metroidvanias in general (going there, going back, going there again. Where am I? Where was I going to? WTH is happening!?). Then I bought it for PC when I got my SteamDeck stopped again after a few hours for the same reason I explained before xD

I returned a few weeks ago and continued it until I beat it. This time it was so much fun, I didn't get lost too many times, and I enjoyed farming gold and XP. What changed? Did I grow up that much in four years? xD

The music is cool, the graphics are cool, the bosses are cool... if you like/miss Castlevania, you'll love this one.

I think this is the best "2D" Mario game in a long time! It was fun, fun and FUN!

Weird, disturbed but so engaging. A good game to play as long as you're not sad, etc.

My first Zelda game and it was beautiful. I played it 3 times in a row. This remake is so beautiful, so alive… and the music, GOSH, the music! God damn it, Miyamoto! You made me cry this time…

If you've never played Vampire The Masquerade (the role game, you know, with real-life dice, and guides…) this game can be a good introduction to you. I'm looking forward to the next story!

Zelda + Rogue Lite + Rythm? Hell yeah'! Sign me in!