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(Played via the Legacy Collection)

Wow. I never finished this game when it came out. I did this time, but mostly out of stubbornness.

Some games are rough around the edges. This one is basically all rough edges. The idea of this game is great, but almost every detail is incredibly frustrating.

- Very few areas to visit

- Nonstop backtracking

- Almost no guidance about where to go

- Story is extremely boring

- Translation is rough, and character limits make things very awkward

- Difficulty spikes a lot... even random battles can kill you quickly if you get unlucky

- The game never autosaves or checkpoints

- Despite being a collectible card based grid based RPG, this game requires way more reaction speed than you'd expect, leading to lots of deaths due to not being able to dodge attacks

- The last two bosses of the game have to be played in sequence without the ability to save

- The dungeon map design is absolutely horrendous, and there's no in-game maps or even names for areas ever

- You basically need to play this with a map on your phone at all times, and a guide to tell where to go next