Co-op gets a little janky. Got booted several times and player 1 hit box is huge. Player 1 would always push the other player even when they appear far.

Other than that a really fun metroidvania platformer with collectables and secrets.

Beautiful artwork and environments. Gameplay is pretty basic though.

Side plot is boring and somewhat simplistic but the world of Avatar leaves much to be desired considering the movies anyway. Still fun to explore and be in the beautiful and colorful world Avatar, just don't expect much else from it

Fun abilities and cool story. Not much replayability though

Base building plus rogue like, what's not to like? Very fun game for chill comfy gamers and for slash and dash battle gamers. This game is good for both play styles but still draws you back to the other.


This was such a fun puzzle adventure game. The enemies and battles were difficult and interesting enough to not just be a side thought, but another fun part of the game. The manual made the cryptic story and game play mechanics fun to figure out and learn. I went deep with the puzzles but stopped short of the language translation. Overall felt like a mix of Link's Awakening and Dark Souls, with all the puzzles, item locked areas, and cute character art of Link and the boss difficulty and save point mechanics of Dark Souls (though probably not as hard).
This game does a very good job in giving you the information you need, when you need it. It's still cryptic but new pages you find sometimes emphasizes or clarifies the cryptic notes and messages of other pages. The only time I looked up any game guides or things was to 100% the game with the treasures.
My only issue is that the end wasn't as satisfying as I had wanted it to be. While it appears you get to choose your ending, some kind of revelation or big lore explanation would have been nice. I realize you can go further in deciphering the language and such to reveal even more, but for the average player I don't think this is something worth the time. Making some kind of ending that reveals the manual text or something of the lore and story would have made completing this game so satisfying and quite frankly perfect.

Not as good as 2, bit slow in the beginning. Gameplay was almost too easy for most if not all of it.
Probably will still try to 100% this game though

Game Play gets generic after a while. While you can kill in any way you'd like, after a while I just sniped until I got found then went in guns-a-blazing. Super easy as long as you don't die. Or blow everything up.
The narrative was interesting especially as we see these right-wing Americans be the ones we side with and help us against these cultists. It could've been interesting commentary on America but honestly felt half-assed and like a butt joke.
Ending sucked. Like wtf really?
The side missions were fun and it was cool exploring the map, trying to get 100% but again, after a while its just all the same. I am interested in the backstory of the cult and how each of the siblings has their own region. But unless you read every piece of paper it can be hard to figure that out. Could've been better.
The first Far Cry I've played so I'm definitely intrigued.

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Really interesting coop gameplay.
Id say the narrative is kinda bland but the second half is so much better. The characters reflect in more than just the narrative, but also the gameplay in what you do and how much. For example in the last fourth of the game when May finds her passion we end up using mostly her power as opposed to Cody. And in Cody's passion section we use a bit of both and Cody takes on large powers such as the cactus and being able to actively fight things where as May's powers stay the same and are meant to support Cody. Here he takes charge of his passion and his care for it while May offers up support (Narratively and through gameplay). And In May's passion section she is forced to find courage in her singing as Cody gives her the spotlight.
It's not perfect by all means. And kept May harsh and the bad guy for quite some time. The book does explain how "It Takes Two" (har har) to fix and be in a relationship. So Cody doesn't get off free.
Quite a long game but worth playing with a friend

Really cute game. It's actually kind of fun to unpack and organize this person's life. You get to see them move into different parts or chapters in their life and it's something of a beauty to see it unfold. While you get to place items almost wherever and however you'd like there are small details in the items, type of items, and the select places you can't place them. These details give us insight to the person whose life you are unpacking and the big moments she's going through.
This is definitely worth a play if you have gampass, etc.

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Bit annoying, but is basically a point and click mystery game. Reminds me of a game I played on Gamefudge, also got dark and had a twist

Pretty fun mechanics/game play
Silly story in a good fun way

Same as 2 but harder to get around and kinda slow.

The game gives you more tips and tricks and makes battling easier through move type information. (Whether the move is effective, not very effective, super effective, etc.) I haven't played any pokemon games since Fire Red so it was a nice update. The pokemon league and story is a bit modernized but still with the ancient story element in the background. Honestly fun if you like pokemon. If not then what are you doing?