This game sucks. I saw they announced a sequel and went to see what they've been up to for the past several years and they made a "Karen outrage simulator," just to give you an idea of what level these guys are operating on.

Back to this game: It sucks, the narrative is badly conceived and poorly written.

Finally, the first major game release to have a trans protagonist, and it's... boring. The characters are all good, the writing is generally good, but I didn't care for the plot, didn't feel like any of it really paid off in the end.

It was never bad, but I still left it on a low note and was overall somewhat disappointed. It had all the ingredients for me to love it, but it needed longer in the oven or something.

My current avatar is the player character, I really like this game. The drink mechanics are fine, they break up the pace a bit, but the writing and character designs are the star of the show here.

It's much more faithful to what I consider the hallmarks of the cyberpunk genre than Cyberpunk 2077 or most other "cyberpunk" games tend to be.

It's so obtuse, and incredibly overwhelming upfront, but I love the flavor of it all.

it's hard for me to give a star rating to something that feels so personal. obviously it's very amateurish, but i picked it up for a dollar after being curious about its sequel.

parts of it are genuinely unsettling, and parts of it are humorous in a way that doesn't land (which feels almost intentional, but not quite). it's a really interesting mix of tones.

i found some of the prose relatable because of how specifically it portrayed mental deterioration and pharmaceutically-induced brain fog.

i think there are some conveyance issues, and not because it's intentionally surreal, but because the writing is really uneven. but i like games like this. i don't feel affected by it, but it was an engaging half-hour.

An improvement on the first game, but I still find it boring, bullet-spongy, and so fucking obnoxious. Travel is an arduous chore. You can see them start to hit their stride, but not in a way that captivates me.

Honestly? Super underrated console FPS. It's so fun. I remember liking the campaign, too. But the multiplayer? I spent hundreds of hours playing with my friends, it was so great.


This is what cyberpunk is supposed to be. And as someone who works for a Pacific Northwestern healthcare startup that focuses on digital services, parts of this really hit home for me. I've lived in Seattle, and this game is what it feels like to live in Seattle's technocratic dystopia.

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This haunted me for days after I finished it, and playing it right when it came out was very exciting. It feels like one of those "you had to be there" things, though. I think it's mostly well-executed - a couple scenes were very shocking to me, and all the glitchy effects were creepy. If I'd written this right after finishing it in 2017, it probably would've been a 4.5, but in hindsight I've cooled on it quite a bit.

It's fun for a while, kind of gets old after a few runs. I feel like I was on the verge of some sort of meta narrative thing, but after many many hours without reaching it, I gave up. I'd probably play one of the other versions if I wanted to return to this format.

ok i'm updating my early access review. i've played most of this game. i fell off somewhere mid-act 3. bg3 so thoroughly surprised and delighted me at every turn. it is a deeply considered game, seeming to account for nearly anything you could possibly do. i don't know what else to say that others haven't said better. early access gave me "dos2 but different," and the final product is beyond what i could've imagined. congratulations to larian for knocking it out of the park and having a huge commercial success via a crpg in 2024. wowee

I know it physically hurt these developers to add in difficulty tweaks, but thank god they did, because more people should experience what this game has to offer, and frankly I wouldn't have made it as far as I did if I'd kept dying immediately on the first day. There are big long video essay reviews you should go watch, but my main thing is that it's the best execution of Pathologic, and if it looks enticing in any way to you, you should absolutely dip your toes in.

A clever take on a classic. This takes chess and breaks it for fun and humor by switching up who has which pieces. Maybe you get five queens, or maybe you only get one rook. The game assigns pieces based on score and difficulty settings, so it's not totally random (unless there's a random mode I've forgotten about). If you like chess, this simple remix is a really interesting to engage with the game in a creative way. Maybe you can't break out the Sicilian if your opponent's first move is a bishop taking out one of your pawns from across the board. Keeps you on your toes.