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ThruLidlessEye reviewed Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
So many years have passed since so many years had past. Police Truck was already nearly twenty years old when this game came out, Activision had started its transformation into merger homunculus so long ago that the ex-Atari founders hadn't been with the company in over a decade. Were big budget games better when one person could make them, or when the whole dev team could easily fit in a single room? Was music better before everyone sold out, or was it always about the money in the first place? The presence of athletes' likeness, real brands of equipment and video magazines, and licensed tracks skaters were listening to; is it authentic, or is it shameless product placement?

I used to think things like, "people my age grew up with stuff like crunk-core and bro-step, there's no way any of us would end up growing into that boomer mindset where we're scared of the kids' new music". I used to think there was something kind of scary about sound synthesis having effectively allowed us to have potentially already explored so much of timbral possibility that nothing would truly sound new or shocking again. The even scarier thing is that nothing has really changed in half a century. Is it worthwhile to question how authentic your own curry recipe is when there are people afraid of garlic and pepper?

12 days ago

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