15 Reviews liked by wheatpenguin

Not the biggest fan of the gameplay but the narrative & character writing are amazing which are the main charm points of this game

Peak of split-screen co-op game with extremely fun and collaborative gameplay that equally involves both players at all times. Despite how often the mechanics change, the game is not at all confusing to play & the tutorialization of all the different mechanics is very simple to understand with the game giving you just enough time to learn and enjoy all the mechanics to their fullest before changing them out and giving you a new set of mechanics to play with.

A perfect game that manages to take the complicated RPG genre and simplify it into something easily digestible for kids without cutting anything important out.

Peak of environmental & gameplay-based storytelling



Best game ever
Makes you feel things you probably didn't know you could feel

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Performance issues aside, this game is probably the best main series Pokemon game alongside B&W. A lot of experimental approaches to the seriess' existing tropes that actually work extremely well with the game and make it 10x more immersive. All the characters are likeable & relatable, and this game has one of if not the best narrative in any Pokemon game so far. Made me cry multiple times

Very interesting tonal shift at the end with the uncanny & scifi elements that lead up to very emotionally-packed gameplay moments that you would not really expect from a Pokemon game.

Soundtrack is amazing, composers did a great job.

Fun rhythm game mechanics that give an appropriate amount of challenge without being too difficult that you can't move past levels. The music is good and fitting for each level, and the artstyle is amazing. Felt interestingly nostalgic at the end

I liked this game but I found Godot to be pretty annoying tbh

Edit: I increased my score from 3.5 to 4.5 because I've grown as a person and I realized I shouldn't let my dislike for one rando old guy taint my impression of this awesome game

I love this game

Edit: My score is staying the same but I just want to add that I have no idea what Shu Takumi was cooking with this game only that I like it

giving this game a 3.5 instead of a 3 just for young franziska <3

Despite AAi2 having more complex characters, development, and theming than AAi1, the inconsistent pacing and convoluted logic (especially in that last case) prevented me from enjoying it as much as AAi1. overall I have thoroughly enjoyed this series' clever usage of gameplay mechanics for Edgeworth's characterization and the new logic chess mechanic was no exception

Edit: I originally gave this game a 3.5 but I moved it up since I realized it's one of the more memorable AA games and that alone speaks something. I also think the characters in this game were great and the cases were all overall very engaging, especially the one with Gregory Edgeworth. Logic Chess is also fire

I learned how to play solitaire

The art is beautiful and the Dark Souls-esque level design is very exciting to traverse but the writing and combat is stale and gets tiresome within the first 2-3 hours

This game excels at tonal management between the overly-optimistic main plot and dark, disturbing subplot that lies underneath. I'm not normally a fan of memey games but I think this game executed it excellently through the intentional juxtaposition with the dark lore that surrounds the world. Sound design and music are also fantastic and carry the tone exceptionally. I can count the number of games that do the "cute game that's actually dark" trope in a way that feels meaningful and non-gimicky, and this game is definitely one of them.