ok, what the actual FUCK are these momentum physics

This shit isn't as fun when 50% of the content is behind a motherfucking paywall lmfao

I finally understand this fucking game 😎

Tried to give this game another chance after 1-2 years idk, and... sorry, this game fucking blows.

I can really appreciate the map design and the add-ons and I can tell a lot of passion went into this project, but unfortunately that means diddly-squat when the game feels so unsatisfying to play. No matter what racer I pick or what stage I play on, the controls are insufferably slippery and there is no weight whatsoever to the kart. Nearly every time I tried to drift to turn a corner and get a mini-turbo, it wasn't without crashing into a wall or falling off the track because either the kart weighs as much as a FEATHER or the track feels like I'm driving on oil. Coupled up with the pitiful amount of single-player modes (all you get is Time Trial), it means there's absolutely no reason to play this game especially when you're alone; mainly when there's tons of other racing games that actually control better and have more gameplay variety and replay value.

Frustratingly wasted amount of potential. It would be an amazing minigame collection if only the minigames weren't copypasted ad nauseam. If there's one Crash game that I would ADORE a remake of, it's this one.

Excellent classic remake with one of my favorite extras. An underwhelming final boss is the only thing keeping it from a perfect score.

CommandgirlVideo's body in this game is so blatantly sexualized it's surely giving Candy Kong a run for her money

After the first cave, there's literally nowhere else to go. How am I supposed to complete this game?

I used to have this for my Wii but it crashed every time my brother tried to get into a match. So that was fun...

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If this was made by anyone other than Toby Fox it would've had a 3.1 average

The final boss of the True Pacifist route is basically the climax from ParaNorman

I should get this game again sometime soon, man...