very fun, i replayed this a lot when i was a child and this is my second time beating it as an adult

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the quest where you go back and forth from kassandra to layla to explore tombs was really tedious but there are some really enjoyable ones that i loved (namely a brother's seduction and old flames burn brighter)

what a game :D very rinse and repeat-y if you're going to the 100% / platinum, but sooo breathtaking and fun (most times) that you can kinda forgive it

quite interesting, this was my first ever introduction to the franchise and i’m definitely intrigued

tomb raider difficulty playthrough which landed me that sweet platinum trophy 🥳 glorious little game

my speedrun playthrough… i still hate speedruns but it was so satisfying noticing how much better i was getting each time i had to retry lol

this is one of the games of my childhood, i’ve played it countless times on my psp and 3 times already on the ps3, however this time i’m actually trying to platinum it <3 it’s a little short but i actually don’t mind that at all cus it allows it to be good fun all throughout and not get boring

so i was dreading that big section in chapter 4 so much that i went ahead and got the platinum for uncharted 4 so i had an excuse to procrastinate… i love chloe and nadine sooo much on their own and as partners (girlfriends) and i loved their development with each other and also with sam too but idk that chapter overwhelmed me so bad that i struggled to connect with the game the first time i picked with up

crushing really isn’t that bad when you have an infinite ammo rpg… if you ignore those goddamn mummy bombs

i was so bummed when this game came out and i couldn’t play it, i ended up watching gameplays and video essay about it and the uncharted series as a whole for years but then when i actually got a ps4 i just… didn’t play it… idk why but at last i played it and wow it was so worth it and i’m honestly kinda glad i took so long cus i forgot almost everything about it and it was like going into it almost blind

i mean yeah it’s definitely not the same as the old bratz games and it’s very shallow like mobile game shallow and off looking at times but i did like the callbacks to doll lines, the voice acting was pretty cute and overall i was quite entertained even if the missions were repetitive

ngl i felt completely braindead during the first mini game but the game got more fun once i got the hang of it lol and i’m glad that it’s a faux multiplayer experience cus i would’ve killed someone over that cupcake mini game

this review is pertinent to the base game ps4 version only cus i wanted to platinum it but oh my goodness this game is so dull without dlcs and the controls are so weird on console

some of the trophies were so dumb and tedious but it's a fun game if you're not trying to platinum it