some bisexual whatever that likes rambling
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2021 to mid 2022 was a horrible time for me

this game makes my phone heat up like the reactors at chernobyl god damn

highway 17 will always be peak to me

somethin about driving alongside a drained ocean, the occasional houses dotted throughout, nothing but a dreay grey sky above you. and that bridge segment, man.

a perfectly fun add-on to HL1 that has a motley bundle of minor issues that add-up

OpFor saws-off most of the original Half-Life's calmer and more puzzle-focused elements, leaving it feeling like a roadtrip through combat encounters big and small with little to break up the pace.

The new additions to the arsenal range from being kinda over-powered to being kinda whatever. The crossbow's been replaced with a #Tacticool #Realistic #Epic sniper rifle, the revolver is now a desert eagle that can be spammed, the Spore Launcher is essentially an infinite-ammo grenade launcher, and there's the Barnacle, which sounds cool in concept but completely impractical and is delegated to being a grappling hook.

The new enemies are neat lookin, but are just glorified reskins of ones from HL1. (Pit Drone is the Bullsquid, Shock Trooper is a reskinned HECU etc.)

There's probably a lot more I could say about this expansion :P

also i always deck that one guy you see kill that one scientist in that storage closet thingy. I ain't gonna sugarcoat it, SPAS-12 + MOUSE2.