14 reviews liked by wiibeanz

I cannot believe how this perfected the Jet Set Radio formula (both games of which, are all time favorites) but also introduced so many new mechanics that make this experience feel extremely fresh and unique. The Jet Set games are not without their faults-- they can be unforgiving in their controls, brutal missions, and janky as hell, but this game addresses that and improves upon it

I was blown away at the new combo system, the phone, the boosting, those funny little robots you hi-five to get unlockables, the fact you NEVER LOSE MOMENTUM, OR RUN OUT OF PAINT, OR TAKE FALL DAMAGE, the fact you can TAKE OFF THE SKATES/BOARD/BIKE. It's all a GAME CHANGER.

They nailed the soundtrack and style, while also making it modernized. The ongoing plot kept me hooked in the way that Jet Set Radio's plots never had (and is a lot more dynamic than those stories to).

Potentially one of the best games I've ever played, absolutely a new favorite. I was (and still am) very excited for the upcoming Jet Set Radio 3, and I have no doubt in my mind that this game taking off the way it did with fans is the reason Sega brought it back. But, I honestly am having a hard time understanding how a new Jet Set Radio will ever get better than this.

A girl.... AND a tactician? Whoa mama! Hummina hummina hummina bazooooooooing! eyes pop out AROOOOOOOOGA! jaw drops tongue rolls out WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF tongue bursts out of the mouth uncontrollably leaking on face and everything in reach WURBLWUBRLBWURblrwurblwurlbrwubrlwburlwbruwrlblwublr tiny bow knight shoots an arrow through heart Ahhhhhhhhhhh me lady... heart in the shape of the Exalts Brand starts beating so hard you can see it through shirt ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum 3 ships full of dynamite crash into Walhart's fleet spilling enemy troops into the harbour BABY WANTS TO PROMOTE inhales from the Mila Tree honka honka honka honka casts Thoron furiously ohhhh my gooooodd~

Thank You to everyone who made the final few hours so fun. It's been an honour.

After hearing the news that the 3DS/Wii U's online services were shutting down, the first thing that popped in my head was replaying this game's online one last time.

Back in 2015, I remember seeing the trailer for this game and thinking it looked really cool. I never played an online shooter in my life, but this one actually interested me with its colorful art style and interesting concept. The day of release, I ask my dad if he could pick the game up on his way from work and when he came home, not only did he have the game..he had an Inkling Boy amiibo as well. That basically kickstarted my Amiibo addiction around that time but that's a story for another time. Anyways, I ended up enjoying Splatoon a ton. I remember the day after I got it, I had a relatives party to go to and I could only think about playing this game. This game consumed my whole summer, I loved it so much. Playing every Splatfest, seeing every update as they roll out, I was hooked for a couple months. Part of that is because I had no school of course, because once September arrived I didn't play this game nearly as much as before. Still, May-August 2015 was the summer of Splatoon and I'll never forget it.

Anyways, time to actually review the game lol. I think the most striking aspect is just how stylish this game is. From the different outfits you can wear, to the more experimental soundtrack, to the unique art styles that appear in the sunken scrolls. I've seen people compare this game to Jet Set Radio cuz of it's sort of counter culture type attitude and ofc its stylishness and appeal to the younger demographic and I can totally see it. It can be really influential playing this as a young lad, and it certainly worked for me.

Speaking of the music, I've seen some individuals on this site specifically call it bad and I just don't see it. Sure, it's not everyone's cup of tea but the OST is really well done honestly. Splattack! is of course a classic and Ink Me Up brings me right back to participating in Splatfests all day. Those are my two favorites but the whole OST is great. I think Splatoon 2 is great and all and probably the objectively better game, but if there's anything I prefer more in 1, its the soundtrack.

The meat and potatoes of this game however is it's online matches. This game doesn't have as much content or modes as 2 (and god it was pretty barebones at launch I'll admit that) but it's still a ton of fun to play a match or two. I was able to play a couple turf war and ranked matches and they were still fun. I remember raging so hard whenever I would lose on ranked matches, I had issues lol. Still, I wish Urchin Underpass and Saltspray Rig were in future games, I miss em lol. Sadly couldn't play them during this last play session but I remember they were some of my favorites.

I did also replay the campaign, and it's still fun as it was back then. Sure, it's no octo expansion and probably worse than 2's, but I always enjoyed it personally. I don't know if it's weird to say but I kinda get Mario Galaxy vibes from it. Just going from section to section using the launchpads and seeing the really cool backgrounds in each level. Always got that vibe. It does get a bit formulaic having every 5th and 6th level be the same level type, however overall, I really enjoyed the single player. At least you can still play that even with the online off.

This game may have been a bit obsolete in the eyes of a lot of people once 2 and eventually 3 came out. However, 2 I never got into nearly as much so my memories of 1 really outshine it. It's not perfect but this game will always hold a special place in my heart and is one of the first things I think of when the year 2015 is brought up. Rest In Piece Splatoon 1 online and the 3DS/Wii U online in general, I loved you dearly.


I wish I could enjoy this game without half the fanbase being pedophiles.

It has never felt better to control a video game character.

A classic. Literally if you havent played this game in any form you need to seek mental help because this is everything. Xbox 360 edition was obvi my fav but I dont mind the new updates either. Its an amazing sandbox game

pls why are the negative comments so stupid. This game is for a specific croud. If you this genre then this is the peak game t experince, and if you dont then why are you playing a game in this genre. I love this game its just amazballs and im sorry to everyone who cant experince this game with mods. I love being able to marry everyone in the valley and them not get mad at eachother #polycule

Essential Gaming. If you like to bully children then this is the place to go. Only reason this is 4 stars is because it aint like how it used to be plus its too kid friendly I wish I could swear