a static and unsatisfying action game that ruins the most beloved and storied imagination spaces of FF7. boldly unnecessary cash-in and the worst part of ff7 compilation.

what if the rail shooter was a rail slasher? (the Castlevania arcade light gun game is this but with whipping)

Imagine slapping Final Fantasy onto something and gamers everywhere still hate it

deck comp was interesting enough but the grind became so brutal that i could not progress through the main story event with daily play. the completely off the rails filling in every possible gap lore writing kept me watching cutscenes like my coffee steeping every morning.

lacks the hooks of the first game and doesn't do anything interesting enough in its opening hours to replace it. original cast is used in uninteresting ways and I couldn't stand to play more with streetpass being dead.

very fun when you're arbitrarily considered prepared for the current mission, stiff hell when you're not. the nonsense is fun.

The jump to arcade just does not suit the Theaterhythm format. The controller is too out there as a piece of design where the touch controls make so much sense. Not so much s bad game but one that is too obtuse to pay arcade prices to learn.

what if ...... . . . . Dragon Quest. . . . . and Roblox?!?!?

lovely mon game with great fan service and a pretty bland mid game.

probably the best translation of the game off of the DS but unforgivable for the way they demolished the more interesting imagination spaces the mobile secret ending offered for so long.

why did they kill dissidia like this just when i was getting back into ftg 😭😭😭😭

exceptional and intuitive rhythm game only lacking in library for variety and not for difficulty. Maybe the best rhythm game on the 3/DS lib.

the forgone, bloated conclusions. tone and vibes are still so strong but fuck do i never want to grind for virus cores ever.

This game is the most interesting to actually play after Infection by virtue of having the right amount of "game gets bigger" and having space for the episodic format to breathe.

A fine segment of IMOQ where not much shifts in exciting ways and the game isn't yet obtusely hostile.