April, 2024



1h 58m

I think so many people have said "Wow this is the best horror game ever" that I almost feel pressured to love it, and that pressure is actually taking away some of my enjoyment. I keep fluctuating between "Wow this is so cool I'm hyped" and "I'm gonna cry, I don't love this as much as I thought I would". Even as I type this, I have this growing urge to boot it back up and play some more. If it wasn't super late, I probably would. Maybe I'm just tired, and should start playing sometime earlier than 9pm.




1h 18m

Switching to 3D movement saved this game for me. I'm vibing with it, though not finding it anywhere near as scary as the first game, but it's also just begun lol. (the villager ghosts are whatever, but all the woman ghosts still kinda get-got me a bit, y'know (I also think I'm hella tired so maybe not connecting as much cause I'm sleepy idfk???)).




1h 11m


What if you [wanted to change the characters direction after the fixed camera changed position] but God said [2D movement enabled]. Will probably restart from the beginning with 3D movement to give it the chance I believe it deserves, cause the 2D movement controls kept bugging and really took me out of it. EDIT FROM NEXT DAY: I didn't restart.




0h 59m



True winners know the big win is always around the corner.

Started / Finished

0h 28m

bad wifi so couldn't play long. got instakilled by some red eyed thingy :(


1h 28m


Someone recorded a video of me emoting saying "do it for the vine" before immediately being eaten by a snail monster.



2h 5m

My RE0 playthrough has butterfly effected itself into an infuriating tightrope act between barely scraping by and softlocking myself. This is because I'm missing a gun or item I need, so I backtrack through half the map to get it, but now those cleared hallway are repopulated with enemies that don't stagger to my measly pistol (only gun I have ammo for btw) so I either run past them and take too much damage to run back past them when I'm returning, or I kill them but facetank their hits and lose 60-80% HP. Now I've got what I needed, but I've traded my health and ammo for it, which after repeated backtracking, leaves me with no health, scraps of ammo, and consistently being one-hit away from death.


3h 19m

RE0's absolute best is REmakes average. I didn't know what to expect going in blind, but I really wasn't expecting it to try my patience like this.


1h 44m

Weird how its RE "Zero" because as much as its a prequel to RE1 narratively , it also feels like a prequel to RE1 mechanically. I don't think dual-protags is a horrendous idea, I just think there might of been better ones, such as "keep the item boxes in, you fucks". (I'm enjoying it, but it's less frictionless than RE1).


1h 37m


They loved inventory management so much that they made inventory management 2 for RE0


March, 2024


3h 13m


Chapter 8 - 14. I think I reached the point where they ran out of budget, and I think it was Chapter 9. I'm really surprised this came out in 2018 and not 2013 because it's got those late stage PS3-ism's written all over it.



2h 37m

Chapter 4-7. The completion side of me is, no joke, turning the MC insane. Whenever I see a dark whispering book bound in human skin, my first thought is "read it! It'll increase my Occultism stat :)".


2h 14m


Chapter 1-3. I'm really liking the mystery and core mechanics as a detective, which makes it all the more funny how Bethesda-like and flip-floppy some of the dialogue progression is. A legit persuasion I had went:

THEM: "I've locked this door so no-one can see what's behind it, especially nosy detectives like you!"
ME: "Can I see what's behind it?"
THEM: "If it means you'll stop talking to me, sure."




1h 38m

Chapter 2 & 3 done (・ω・)b. Leon was so baby-girl when he airdropped a living bioweapon onto Chinese civilians and then crashed a plane into their neighbourhood.




0h 41m

41 minutes at Robbie's




1h 19m

why are nearly all the side characters clambering over each other to be the weirdest person in Heathers life.




3h 24m

Continuing from pre-started play through. I love how reasonable Heather reactions are in the face of abject horror.




1h 11m

Completed Blood Harvest. Also, I realised while playing that blood drives are called blood drives because blood harvest would be too ominous. anyway...




1h 51m

Finished chapter 1! Kind of a slog but I think we're nearly done with chapter 2 and it actually gives me hope :)




1h 22m

Continuing from campaign run I'd already started. Finished Dead Air.




1h 22m


Build-ups were good, scares weren't actually that scary. I’m really looking forward to hunting more ghosts though!





2h 13m


we didn't even finish chapter 1, there's 5 chapters per campaign, there's 4 campaigns... aaaaaaa

