April, 2024



I think so many people have said "Wow this is the best horror game ever" that I almost feel pressured to love it, and that pressure is actually taking away some of my enjoyment. I keep fluctuating between "Wow this is so cool I'm hyped" and "I'm gonna cry, I don't love this as much as I thought I would". Even as I type this, I have this growing urge to boot it back up and play some more. If it wasn't super late, I probably would. Maybe I'm just tired, and should start playing sometime earlier than 9pm.





True winners know the big win is always around the corner.

Started / Finished

bad wifi so couldn't play long. got instakilled by some red eyed thingy :(


My RE0 playthrough has butterfly effected itself into an infuriating tightrope act between barely scraping by and softlocking myself. This is because I'm missing a gun or item I need, so I backtrack through half the map to get it, but now those cleared hallway are repopulated with enemies that don't stagger to my measly pistol (only gun I have ammo for btw) so I either run past them and take too much damage to run back past them when I'm returning, or I kill them but facetank their hits and lose 60-80% HP. Now I've got what I needed, but I've traded my health and ammo for it, which after repeated backtracking, leaves me with no health, scraps of ammo, and consistently being one-hit away from death.

March, 2024


8h 4m


Chapter 8 - 14. I think I reached the point where they ran out of budget, and I think it was Chapter 9. I'm really surprised this came out in 2018 and not 2013 because it's got those late stage PS3-ism's written all over it.




Chapter 2 & 3 done (・ω・)b. Leon was so baby-girl when he airdropped a living bioweapon onto Chinese civilians and then crashed a plane into their neighbourhood.




41 minutes at Robbie's




Completed Blood Harvest. Also, I realised while playing that blood drives are called blood drives because blood harvest would be too ominous. anyway...





Build-ups were good, scares weren't actually that scary. I’m really looking forward to hunting more ghosts though!

