Every now and again you get to play a videogame that is so well made, filled with passion and an absolute (see what I did there?) joy to play that you begin to think about playing it even when you're not even playing it. Hell, I thought more about Gale, Shadowheart, Astarion and my beloved sweetheart Karlach more than many of my own friends and family. Yes, It's that good.

Baldur's Gate 3 has changed the videogame landscape forever and will be the gold standard to which all other videogames that come after it will attempt to strive towards. It just goes to show that if you take your time to make the best product possible you will produce a masterpiece. Larian Studios understood this and they are now deservedly reaping the rewards of their success, while others simply sneer and glare at them. Pathetic.

Takes me back to my childhood playing Sid Meier's Railroads.

If you had told me 10 years ago that a God Of War game would have one of the best and most emotional stories in videogame history about the relationship between a grieving father and his son, I would have laughed in your face.

God Of War is a videogame everyone should experience.

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See, when your choose your own adventure games' choices have no consequences, you put zero effort into writing and innovating, your game has boring and unlikeable characters and you choose to sideline everyone's favourite iconic leading lady in favor of just some guy, is it any wonder that Telltale Games went bust?

If life is a journey then Journey is a life.

After Red Dead Redemption II I never thought that humanity could be capable of conceiving another game that could blow me away...

This game has great gameplay, terrific characters, delivers plenty of spectacle and thrills, and most importantly is fun...

It's a work of art and the best game I've ever played. Capcom, your team is the best. It was a privilege playing RE4.