39 reviews liked by xDelly_93x

A Prince of Persia Fan Returning to the Series!

For a long time as a kid i played the living heck out of my PS2 & The Prince of Persia games were a huge part of that which i haven't been able to play for a good 10 + Years

Coming back to the ps2 and playing the trilogy i also got this fun game on PS3 and it really wasn't bad at all, compared with the other POP games i really enjoyed it!

Gameplay is great (IMO) the combat is smooth although some times can be a pain if you get surrounded or try to do certain attacks
You wallrun, Jump, Swing and all the fun stuff that made the OG Trilogy so much fun and this one really isn't much different

Tough platforming which is good with these types of games, Fun combat and moves that feels great when smashing enemies with your sword, only thing i wish they kept was being able to chop enemies heads off or in half from certain killing moves.

Graphically the game looks good, obviously it's a gen up from the trilogy (not taking into account the ps3 trilogy) but here and there, there are some uneven graphics where some textures or graphics in general seem to look a bit strange or even last Gen but if you're like me and graphics aren't that important then you'll be fine and enjoy this nonetheless.

sadly though the story to this POP game is a bit forgettable to the point where writing this review i'm kinda having trouble remember what happened story wise with nothing coming to mind or getting confused with a different POP story.

Audio though is impressive, great soundtrack especially during the bosses or big fight scenes and even during some of the fast platforming sections of the game, enemies sounds are good aswell as swords clanging and more.

Overall i think they did a great job with this game, There's a few things as stated that kinda let it down but it is still a great game to play and deserves to be in with the other greats of the POP Series.

Definitely a must play with a normal playthrough looking at between 8-10 Hours with certain playthroughs or area's needed for the pretty easy platinum!

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My Big Sister is a game about Luzia and Sombria, two sisters who are trying to get back home after being kidnapped by strangers and Luzia takes it upon herself to ensure they both make it home.

I picked this game up on sale purely because of the title. In 2022 my big sister passed away and it's been something that we're still struggling with so when i saw the game titled this i wanted to experience what i assumed would be an emotional story.
I wasn't wrong, near the end of this game i was shedding tears at the parts that really hit home. The story is deep, comes with curveballs and in my opinion whether you've lost someone or not, this is worth it for the story once you follow it.

The game is a modern take on a retro influence and puzzles in each area to be able to progress further into the story, The characters are well made and each serve their own purpose in the story within each level and the progress the story makes over time.
I was also very suprised to learn that this game was also under the banner of Ratalaika games which are usually cheap, easy platinums.
Don't get me wrong, the platinum to this is easy with a guide, without a guide you'd take a while trying to find all the endings and certain places with certain actions to earn other trophies.

Although this game is quite short at roughly 3-5 hours there's alot that happens.
Each character has their own personality aswell which is something i really like in RPG games, some characters are funny, creepy, serious and there to add intruige.

I would definitely recommend playing this for the story, it will hit home alot more if you've experienced losing someone and at the end of the story when you find out what's really happening, it can be quite emotional.

Very well made game

So after the ps2 i went over to the xbox side of stuff with the OG xbox and the 360
It wasn't until earlier this year i was able to get a PS3 back and started playing through some of the titles i missed and one of those games, Mini Ninja's!

I was pleasantly surprised when i played Mini Ninja's, It was a fun, chill game with the first playthrough being on Hard mode (which was still quite easy)

So the gameplay is fun, It's smooth, the combat is nice and you can play as 6 different characters (once unlocked) and a different weapon on each character. You collect red orbs aswell which allow you to use that characters special move which can wipe out a group of enemies should you get a little overwhelmed.

I did however find sneaking up on enemies for stealth kills a bit of a pain with using the trigger to sneak and at some points it rolled even though the enemies were unaware of me.
The boss fights are okay, no hard at all and don't really rely on player skill until the final boss, the rest of them are main getting the boss to hit a certain area and then pressing the buttons it shows, the final boss is alot more fun.

This game also has collectables that you can find being Shrines, Plants, Caged animals, Coins and spells, most of these are usually hidden in plain sight and easy to find but for the spells you can use a magic power that will show you where that shrine is on the level and lead you there, all you have to do is find the white flower needed to activate it.

You can also use your spirit power to take the form of animals around you which not only shows you locations of plants with a bad aroma like someone farted on them before hand but you can also be a boar/bear which you can use to attack enemies but once you get hit you lose that form and have to reattach to it again.

I'll be honest i was paying attention to the story for the first couple levels but eventually i kinda didn't care and just kept playing because fighting the Ninja's was fun and i wanted to see if hard mode actually was a challenge or not.

I definitely would recommen this game though even if it is meant for a younger audience it's still a fun little slashing game and the platinum isn't difficult really either and it's only 12-15 hours too

Alan Wake is a classic that i played back in the Xbox 360 days and loved ever since so when this remaster was announced it was a must buy for me!

Gameplay: The combat to Alan Wake is unique, To kill the enemies yopu must use your light/torch to remove their shield before you can shoot and kill the enemies. On easy difficulty this is obviously quite easy to do but on Nightmare difficulty it can take a little bit to fully remove the shields with just the normal torches but the heavy lanterns you can find and spotlights do plenty! I recently went back to this to platinum it and honestly the Nightmare difficulty isn't that much harder than normal.

If you're first playthrough is on Nightmare then you can get all the collectibles in one playthrough as there are manuscript pages that can only be collected on the nightmare Difficulty

During this game you can use pistols, Shotguns, Rifles, a Flare gun, Flash Bangs and flares as weapons that can help you drastically. Each chapter you are reset to find weapons again and are left with nothing so you don't need to be too conservative with your ammunition.

Lit area's like street lamps, or generators you can start to give you a light area are your safe area's and will instantly kll any enemies that are right next to you. These come up quite often as you're running and gunning and it is the same with checkpoints which don't change on the higher difficulties,

Story: The Story to Alan Wake is brilliant, if there's anything you're confused about or want more lore to the background once you've finished the game then it's worth googling! But pay attention to every cutscene, character and even the Radio/TV Shows, it's all connected!

Soundtrack: Although i don't remember their really being much of a soundtrack during the playthrough, there are some area's of the game where there is a cool tune on the tv shows ect, something i do like though is the audio cue for when an enemy as spawned so you know their coming but also ones for when you reach safe area's in light and when hitting checkpoints.

Before Alan Wake 2 is released later this month, Play this incredible game if you haven't already! It's honestly not hard to platinum, I watched a guide for each collectible whilst playing on Nightmare and other than some bits that can be difficult it's really not that much harder, more just run than gun when it can be helped.

This is a classic

Is Alan Wake 2 the sequel we've all been waiting so long for?

In short, freaking yes! Especially for one chapter section not too far into the game but i won't spoil anything so i won't be saying anything about the story in this review.

So i'll start this off with ther soundtrack and if this game doesn't win best soundtrack at the game of the year awards then call 999 because the police need to be informed of that crime!
So during each completed chapter/part the game plays a different song each time and there's not a single one that's bad, some are better compared to others but all the songs on Alan Wake 2 are incredible and relate to the game and specifically the chapter you've done. I've added as many songs from the game as i can to my spotify, not all of them are on there unfortunately but the really good ones are!

This game should win awards just for this reason.

The Gameplay/combat and interactivity is miles better in this sequel than the Original Alan Wake, This game also doesn't rely as heavily on enemies being around constantly like in the original game aswell but they are there when it's needed and neccesary.

In my opinion they could of used alot more of the poltergeist activity such as objects being thrown at you and using the light to destroy them as this wasn't really used at all during the game.

Although there's only a few area's on the game you can explore them quite well looking for collectables, dolls, stashes and more, there's plenty to do for sure and the platinum trophy/1000g's is quite easy too as there is no difficulty related trophies.

You only have one normal flashlight throughout the whole game but you can get more guns as you play if you can solve the puzzles to obtain them which is fun and they certainly pack a punch.

I personally wouldn't say this game is overly that scary, there is some jumpscares and moments that might catch you randomly but as for being atmospheric and genuinly scary it's not that bad at all.

Alan Wake 2 is definitely a big improvement on the first game and i loved the first game aswell. There's so much they have built on & improved which will obviously make changes to the game/gameplay but for the better, Something you do get now aswell between main Chapters is boss fights, they don't make it overly obvious it's a boss fight but once you've done a few you know when ones coming and they're all unique too!

You can still use the quickslot options aswell to choose where you've like 2 weapons placing, 2 meds, flares ect but it's all easy to use, Smooth to play and really enjoyable!

This is definitely a must play game especially if you've played the first game and control as there is references to Control aswell but this game is nothing short of fantastic and i expect it to win alot of awards this year. It's my GOTY 100%


A Game where you get to go through a persons life in each chapter and playing their personal belongings and memories to an extent. You start off with just a small bedroom placing toys, Diary, Teddies and other cool things a kid would have and then each chapter onwards is more rooms, more objects and more annoyingly specific spots to be placing them.

Unpacking is a very chill game with quite an enjoyable soundtrack to relax to or even put your own music on with speakers or headphones and just unpack to your hearts content, All you do is as the game says, Unpack boxes, place them where they should go and when you're done press the star to complete the level

It is n easy platinum and having played this before this only took me 2 hours 6 Minutes to platinum and that's with it being just a chill session
The game also has cool achievements like using fridge magnets to make a math sum or making a figure stand in a certain position and so on

Some of the objects are interactable aswell like the microwave for example.

It's a fun, relaxing game that takes you away from Guns blazing, Bombs dropping and poop flying and definitely worth playing this cool title!

This game doesn't deserve the hate it gets but thankfully it still sold incredibly well!

I streamed this on Twitch on the 7th of Feb and it was the only game we did for the rest of the month!
Hogwarts Legacy was the game i and i am sure many, many others have been dying for!
I've been wanting a Hogwarts/Harry Potter game for so long and to finally have this drop and it be so good was awesome

So Graphically the game is very nice although it does depend on PS5 if you play with Fidelity mode or Performance mode on just how good the game really looks but even on Performance mode the game ran smoothly and looks really good!
I did switch modes in stream and went too the great hall and the difference is night and day so if you want the game to look as nice as possible, Fidelity mode with Ray-Tracing is the way to go!

The Soundtrack to Hogwarts Legacy delivers a magically beautiful atmosphere with different tracks in some boss fights and during major cutscenes and during general gameplay, there's never a silent moment i noticed where there wasn't some sort of music that still makes you feel like you're in Hogwarts!

The story was decent, There's wasn't a whole lot too it but they came out with more than enough for a first game to build on hopefully a sequel, There's alot of sidequests to do alongside the main quests with collectibles and trials and plenty more waiting out there in the wizarding world. You will easily spend 50-60 hours just playing the main story and sidequests with another 10 odd hours finishing off for the Platinum.

Customisation is great! Although creating your character at the start isn't overly huge but during the game you can change your robes, school clothes, hats, glasses, gloves, wand handles, brooms and mounts!
There's so much to collect around the world and this is one open world game that has been done to perfection!
Something i absolutely love is you can wear weird looking cosmetics that don't suit your character, get the bonus defensive stats and then you can change the appearance to something else that you love maybe it's a certain robe but still keep the stats of better equipment!

The map is a good size, plenty of exploring to do with more of the world opening up further through the story and then you get the room of requirements to brew potions, grow plants customise to your hearts content and even upgrade your equipment!

In here you also have vivariums which you can use to house your creatues you've captured out in the open world and create the perfect enviroment to your hearts content with an insane amount of buildings and items to make anything you want and you can breed animals too! Baby Hippogriffs are so cute but the mooncalfs for me are to die for!
Then there's the graphorns....

100% Recommend playing this game, you don't need to be a Harry Potter fan to be able to play this, admittedly you might miss some of the easter eggs and references and lore of the wizarding world but that doesn't affectt anything in the game or stories.
If you're a Harry Potter fan, this is gonna be your game of the year!

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This game took me 7....yes 7 attempts to do a full playthrough!

So everything i played Breath of the Wild i'd get a few hours in and either get lost, confused, both or just fed up
I don't know why but when i came around after a year to trying it for the 7th time, I loved it!

Gameplay: The Combat too Breath of the Wild is alot of fun, it can take a little to get used to at the start with some of the controls, how to change which weapon/bow/shield you're using but once you get the hang of it the combat is really fun, enemies that are tougher than others and one thing that took me the longest is timing the laser shots to parry them back at the guardians to kill them.
Throughout the game you get More clothing options that add their own stats and allow you to get into different area's on the map but either disguise or helping with the heat/coldness of that area.

You also get more weapons and a good variety the further you go, same with the bows unfortunaltly unless you get the Master Sword then all weapons will eventually break but you get used to it and find plenty as you're exploring anyway

Speaking of Exploring, It's definitely worth finding all the different shrines so you can trade each 4 orbs in and have an upgrade to either your health and stamina which help immensely later on in the game plus they're quite fun with some really clever puzzles which make it feel more rewarding.

The Story i found to be, okay at best, I mean it's fun doing side quests, the divine beasts, meeting the characters in the world and experiencing a number of places and challenges but i feel some of the stories in other Zelda games have been better than this one but that doesn't mean to say it's not fun because it certainly is

The Soundtrack is good too! Again some of the older games are better but this soundtrack is still fun to listen too especially when it kicks up at certain parts of the story and missions, some of the soundtrack is very catchy and the use of sounds around you helps determine where an enemy might be, Or the beeping to tell you there's a shrine nearby and so on.

Definitely worth playing this if you haven't already, if it's your first time, Don't do what i did. Have patience, Enjoy the ride and play how you want to!

This is one of the Many Crash Bandicoot games i grew up with although i didn't beat this one as much as i did the Trilogy!

This Crash Game is a bit different, the controls are a little jankier but roughly the same as the other games, imo it kinda feels like a crash rip off in a way but i find it fun just the same
The worlds are set up like Crash Bandicoot: Warped where each world is split into 5 levels and then the Boss for that area before you're able to go to the next section.

The Levels in this game for me lack the good designs and uniqueness that the Trilogy had although there is underwater levels, running levels, Robot levels and vehicle levels which are missing something but it's still fun in different ways

One thing i wish they changed is that every boss is always Crunch Bandicoot in various scenario's and beating the same dude over and over can get repetitive

One thing i can say this is really good at is the soundtrack which features many tracks i'm sure i've heard in older games and some new to this one which are still catchy and make the game alot more enjoyable when raging in certain area's.

I found the Box Gems Here to be alot easier to get and i don't think any levels are Missable which means you don't HAVE to do the coloured Gem paths (I might be wrong on this) I haven't got any coloured Gems yet but i'm gonna go back for them for sure!

I've never done the Time Trials on this Crash but after unlocking certain Power-ups during the main game that will likely make things a bit easier

It's definitely worth playing this Crash Title, It's not the best in the series but you can play it for a few hours, have some fun and wreck enemies in a Robot suit!

Genwunners will be like "omg the games got so much worse after gen 4!!!11!!!!" and yet the worst mainline Pokemon game isnt even after that game