QFASA Space bar. Beat one the main antagonists by flinging him off the map two seconds into the fight with a failed spell

Perfection but the ending is disappointing, but overall it's really really fun

Never have i seen such a small team of devs come up with such an well executed idea. It has an amazing atmosphere, amazing storytelling, combat is fucking intense and it's a free game

Absolute insane, the video game equivalent of Hancock

A good foundation of what came after it, but on it's own it can be very tiresome, specially in regards to the police

I got internet fame by making mods for it. Nothing like poking your head around a car and getting one shot by the AI you don't even know where it is

Not a game for anyone, but incredibly interesting with a twisted ending, very subtle hints throughout the entire game, very well done, requires very good attention to detail

final achievement saying "it took two" really sold it. What a masterpiece

reddit we made it!!!!!! i'm only counting as completed because i let a goon kill me and decided that was the alternative ending. it's like reddit wrote a game, lacks any serious tone the previous game had, Marcus is Indian Tech support guy not a murderer like Aiden was.

Incredibly fun, Aiden is no hero, he's just a guy with a lot of power over the system and he does whatever he wants with it, it's a damn good game, seems that people are finally warming up to it and realizing how good it was.

This game's soundtrack is something amazing, it's incredibly well done. The itself is pretty cool, it's indeed the 2D watch_dogs however with a much superior soundtrack and humour

a guy picked up a gun and upon trying to inspect it shot himself

way too short and lacks way too much content compared to it's predecessor