Pikmin 4 2023

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theres really no flavor to this

everything thats good in this was done better in the last games. everything thats new is whats bad and bland.

the game is way too easy and theres no difficulty settings.
i hate how they try to make the game super accessible but then force everyone to play the same way. its like making a long winding ramp into a building for ppl in wheelchairs but not making direct steps up that would make it faster for ppl that can walk forcing everyone on the same path.
list of things that shouldve been an easy mode feature:
- menu popups when standing still,
- rewind time,
- oatchi being overpowered,
- oatchi in general lol it preaches dandori then has oatchi which is the opposite of multitasking wanting you to keep pikmin close all the time and not multitask,
- too many map icons that tell you everything you have to do making exploration not fun and just a checklist,
- multiple base locations makes it easy to not multitask and stick to one area,
- overly helpful tech gadgets skill tree,
- cant pick more than 3 pikmin at a time making it harder to multitask,
- caves choose pikmin for you so theres no strategizing,
- caves are short and generally easy,
- bosses are short & easy,
- no overworld enemy respawns because its so easy to not lose too many pikmin,
- ice pikmin are overpowered,
- night missions are short and easy,
- glow pikmin are overpowered,
- theres no backtracking with new pikmin so everything can be finished 100% before the next level so then why arent all the pikmin introduced in level 1?
- you can travel to any cave sublevel so the grind for 100 purples is easy now.

there way too much mandatory dialogue i dont care to hear, you have to talk to ugly looking rescued npc’s once for lore nonsense and then a second time for gameplay rewards its so tedious. their dialogue shouldve been optional letters in a menu that you can read later or preferably for me not at all lol

its annoying having to talk to commanding crew members why am i not the captain. yall are clowns let me lead this stupid mission.

too many npc’s making the game feel crowded when the appeal of the older games were more about being stranded and isolated trying to survive in a dangerous, pretty, familiar, & mysterious planet. you should be collecting treasure for people not the actual people. i hate that you cant go inside the ship. the rescue command post shouldve been a space station you visit with shops/treasure museum/enemy zoo. the command post area is boring looking and again its tedious and not fun to talk to the people there.

its lame that olimar & louie come back but not the pikmin 3 characters. why is there just knock off diet versions of them? lame.

the pacing is a drag because of dialogue and tediously long easy levels. the tutorial is soooooooo long.

is this a reboot? it feels like a reboot. why were all the games rereleased on the switch if this is a reboot? im glad theyre all available now on switch but the plot of this game doesnt align with them. why is there a number 4 in the title if its a reboot? i dont need dense plot and lore for pikmin but i dont want the past games to be rebooted for no apparent reason and make me think about the story when theyre all cute sequels that can be easily explained. its dumb because it could be such a simple fix to change it to be another sequel and simply say what happened in the last 3 games in 3 short paragraphs. the last games had simple plots that i liked and accepted that didnt contradict each other and built off each other.
its not difficult to do this. the bar is so low.
the plot here is the exact same flavor of nonsense as tears of the kingdom. idec to explain it because it wouldnt make any sense. again the plots in 1-3 were simple and made sense and was the proper amount of cute & funny set up to get you to play it. the plot in 4 couldve been fine but it’s obsessed with mysteries like totk was:
“wheres olimar? "whats the disease? "whats wrong with oatchi?
me: who fucking cares!?!
rescue castaways? ok cool thats all i need. but theres like weird other unnecessary shit happening and i still have no idea why or what happened at the end lmao and again
i dont even like the rescue castaways thing anyways! dumb.

the house level is weird and inspires pointless lore questions about the planet and its implied apocalypse and makes me question things i didnt before like why theres tiny gates and obstacles. i hate that it makes me question who’s keeping this house clean. there couldve been cleaning inspired enemies in the house.
its bad when my roommate who only occasionally casually glanced at me playing this saw the house and got confused by the art design. like the aesthetics of pikmin levels are simple and make sense. the house is just weird.
i guess pikmin 2 did this with the caves too. but repeating dumb things doesnt make it okay now.

the new characters are ugly. i hate shepherd. and theres not enough customization with hair/face for different bodies for the player character

the character customization is fine but i hate that the rest of the game is so tied to you being in a story that didnt need to be there.

the menu & logo designs are flat, bland, and boring. this series is so unique for having wacky unconventional menu designs and this one is just so flavorless.

the music is bland & recycled

oatchi is ugly. if i saw that thing irl id squish it immediately. its meant to be a dog but i reject that. no it is not a dog. its an ugly rat thing that needs to be destroyed.
he has a skill tree thing for powerups and i hate it. fuck off
oatchi doesnt charge unless you button mash because he constantly runs away from you its annoying.
even if oatchi is in your party you have to walk up to him to jump on it’s frustrating especially in battles where youre expected to jump on and off of him.
pikmin cant jump off oatchi and charge they have to all be taken off together first its tedious.

the controls are clunky: the tablet menu should be A instead of B because B should be the close button. you can customize the d pad but not the Y button wheel which is dumb its like halfway button mapping but not completely.

the forced auto lock aiming without an ability to toggle between targets is dumb. that shouldve been a setting.

the game has a forced pikmin throwing limit to only the minimum requirement to carry an object but that makes it hard to lift an object with more pikmin than necessary because it ignores your button presses before you can throw more pikmin at an object but by that point the pikmin have started moving the object out of your throwing spot leaving extra pikmin standing around and now you have to chase the object to make sure extra pikmin help carry it faster. as usual that should’ve been a setting i could turn off.

if i hear the word dandori one more time istg.......
dandori missions not available on the main menu you have to go through story mode to play them.
dandori has a split screen single player with too much dialogue and images and shit on screen i never can figure out whats going on or where any of my pikmin are at. it looks like some ugly league of legends bullshit nonsense i hate it.

the co-op sucks. its like the player 2 star bit collecting in mario galaxy its lame af. shouldve been an option but not the only one.
its dumb theres no full co-op like pikmin 3 even tho it makes more sense in this game with the character customization. in 3 its weird when the characters multiply so it can work. but in this you could have both players make unique looking characters to play as in split screen. if they could do it in 3 while still having a story and non customizable characters there no excuse not to do it here.

npc’s are just trophy givers for completionist challenges that dont matter

pikmin dont come to you after dropping off treasure even if theyre close by which they did in old games.

the submerged castle remake is more just lazy than interesting or nostalgic or fun.

the night missions couldve had stuff you only do at night to affect things you can do in the day time. couldve had more stealth missions.
also the music during night missions is so loud and annoying i always muted it.

olimars remake mission reuses ship parts instead of having all the parts? its lazy

Blue pikmin arent as exclusive for water tasks since oatchi can carry everyone with.
Wing pikmin are worthless and not utilized for taking shortcuts over obstacles like they were designed for in 3.
White pikmin were for digging but now everyone can dig making that unique ability gone.
Purple pikmin are kinda replaced by oatchi and rock/ice.
Rock pikmin are replaced by ice pikmin.

i like that theres more maps i guess.

i hate that theres a mid game credits. dont reward morons who have that low of attention spans. those people are free to quit whenever they want but dont treat them like they accomplished something when the first half is forced to be super easy. fuck off.

the second half gets way too challenging way too fast theres no gradual incline of difficulty. i liked the challenge because i had gotten bored up until then but it will turn off a lot of people im sure in a stupid way and thats not their fault.

the purple/white onions are a side mission when they should be explained earlier.

there were several challenges in this where i was incredibly angry because i wasnt beating it. and not because it was a fun challenge but because it was an unfair stupidly designed challenge and i almost threw my joycons at the tv wii remote style i was so fucking pissed. i think it was a dandori challenge or something idk but i hated it. it made me almost want to rate the game 1 star.

in pikmin2 your whole squad could get juice flowers. here theres only some that can get any

showing the amount of pikmin lost is kinda pointless when you have the rewind feature made for perfecting that.

the game also has red gloom like totk that has no way to stop it, nothings immune to it, and your pikmin die immediately from touching it. pikmin 1 has this for 1 enemy but that was not a good idea and was rightfully abandoned for 2&3? it was the first game so its allowed to have some fumbles its fine nothings perfect but every sequels job is to notice mistakes and say ‘lets fix that’. i fucking hate when i want to criticize a sequel for something and some clown is like ‘it was in the original so youre being hypocritical!’ no fucker im not but thanks for reminding me of old flaws. it was maybe excusable then but its especially not excusable now. shut up!

i dont hate this game but the approach here just seemed to be “lets not improve anything in this series and flatten any unique quirks and good gameplay” lol i put it on par with the first game i guess like its playable and fun still but i dont love it.
it needs work whereas pikmin 1 can get away with its faults because its the original game and it was improved in its sequels but 4 is a sequel so why is there more issues now? like tears of the kingdom everything it does right is to the credit of its predecessors and almost everything that’s original is what makes it bad