waited three years for it to come out and i preordered it like back in july. when i got it i had virtually no bugs but the story is ass and i completely blame keanu reaves and that stupid ass plot line


one of the best games ever fucking made die mad.


its so incredibly dense with so much shit to keep track of like literally your shit, your blood oxygen level, how many teeth you have left, if you've had your daily amount of vitamin B12, etc. But what honestly do you do when you've got a gun and semi okay gear. Currently stuck on that because is whats really left base building??? kind of a shame that the complexity kinda falls off when you find a decent melee weapon. otherwise fun to watch your colon meter fill up and have to pop a squat while you're trying to sneak around a military base with metal gear ass mechs walking around that will blow you up with bullets the size of small children

i can't believe i got dragged into buying this game and convinced it was amazing as a person who hates mmos

fun as fuck literally everyone who hates it is gay and cringe

one of the best fps games on market rn. player gadgets are not broken or buggy like most of the time in other titles and the shooting is fine if you're not some freak weirdo in top 500 or whatever the fuck. perfectly serviceable and fun.

i will say the community is the most toxic and ass pieces of shit but honestly its to be expected of an FPS. They're either all try hard neets or fucking assholes who think calling you slurs is genuine comedy. The game would be fucking untouchable if it weren't for the community they honestly ruin it but otherwise the mechanics and everything excluding them is solid for what it is.

kpop rotted brain finally gets endorphins and serotonin from hitting blocks goodly to korean music

its a real fun game like winning always is rewarding no matter what which is real hard to get with some games but the dying community basically made it inaccessible

really fun with friends but jesus fucking christ the vr mode is such a specific kind of ass that it ruins it nearly entirely but its also the best way to play it

i have nearly 300 hours on this game because it was the only thing i could run for like a year and let me tell you i have never had blatantly no opinions on a game i have dedicated more hours in than this one. its just a game.

how the fuck is this game like 80+ gbs.

how the fuck do you rip off a more than thirteen year old game and you, a triple a dev, break the game constantly and can never find the time to fix said bugs with a AAA budget.
also cringe gay tracer and her fail girlfriend.

abysmal writing with a piss poor attempt at being ""cynically"" funny. terrible game play like shitty ass feeling guns and even worse enemies (like literally everything about them). Its so boring and dogshit to play by yourself and by the off chance that you can get people to play it with you its so fucking stupid because you're probably not even paying attention to the gameplay you're just talking about literally anything else.