one of the sloppiest rereleases ever

decent adaptation of mad max that's ultimately held back by handholding open world design and undercooked combat.

the best game since pac-man

a great game if you ever wanted to play an mmo without having to deal with people or microtransactions AND ya got yoko shimomura on the OST.

half life < bioshock < dead space

Amazing mechanics with dogshit level design. The dmc 4 of 3d platformers

it has shitty combat and a giant open world with nothing to do. Square is doing a great job in trying to get a foothold in the whiteboy audience with this one

An amazing shooter that's ultimately held back by no one at nintendo playing an online shooter ever. there's no easy way to play on the same team as your friends. the horde mode is only available at certain times. There is a progression system via loot but for some reason THAT isn't tied to your account and actually tied to your system.

tickling my balls for too gahtdamn long epic games

i thought drop shadows were standard in 3d platformers...

a seminal work in videogame storytelling