I need to go back to it eventually but why does Stitch have Quake level movement in this shit bro

There is no reason a Wallace & Gromit game should be this good. It's very janky, Wallace is a bit dumb but like... this is a competent platformer. The levels are varied and fun, it's got the WnG charm, there's a lot to love here. Also the speedrun for this game is hype as hell.

This is the best way to experience Eva.

There's a lot to love here for sure but the missions often times are way too janky for their own good. Maybe that's just a PC issue (I did limit my framerate tho...)

my mom got mad at me for scribbling all over my game case with crayon as a youngin', fuck you Neutron.

Someone translate this please I bought this game and I can't read it thanks

If only we got more of this, a man can dream for the inevitable Donkey Kong 6

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This game does very few things well and very few things poorly. Unfortunately the majority of the garbage comes in the last act of the game where you go from a really bad third person shooter ordeal to a really bad Matrix section to a really bad final boss. The writing is decent and the characters are quite memorable but it isn't anything too special to be honest.

Another one to add to the list of shit crash clones, buttons don't do what they're intended to and the movement physics are super messed up. Slightly redeemed by a truly Eric™ story though

Spent way too much time on this @ SGDQ, really fun game. I should play the other F-Zeros sometime :)

Replayed it and everything I said prior holds up but holy shit I hate the Wily Machine in this game bro

Pretty dull but serviceable remake, needlessly changes part locations from the original. Game controls fine but the dash is a lot less satisfying in this version. Along with that the difficulty in this game seems to be toned down a bit with some of the bosses feeling sluggish, there is a hard mode at least. I'd advise just sticking to the original but this is worth at least checking out if you're a fan of the series.