Never played the original games on PS1 but the first and second game are really good and control quite well here. I've only scratched the surface with the third game but it also handles quite well, great introduction to the series I think :)

The most satisfying Tony Hawk game (I've played). You can go to fucking CANADA in this game bro what else could you want?

The open world is so much fun to skate in, for the most part everything this game adds sticks the landing very well. Tied with THPS3 for me.


Tonybros... this is where we lost.

The game is huge mess but I just can't help but love all the super silly dumbass characters. The progression is a bit wack but the core gameplay is honestly not bad. It's not Tony Hawk in the slightest and is pretty clear about that. That being said it's insanely shallow (as is everything else in this game) but it's not the biggest waste of time?

Decent enough with four people but I'd much rather play something else usually. My other friends seem to love it though so o7

Decent platformer with a neat gimmick. Not a must play but if you want a cute short experience this might be up your alley :)

Even when you get past the tedious drawn-out beginning (that's pretty clearly just there to filter a large part of the player-base that would be interested in this) the game just rewards you with a below average horror-parody story and more dull gameplay. If you're really that interested just watch a playthrough or something.

Really fun collectathon with a surprisingly robust physics engine. Especially given the time this came out it's a marvel. A few of the later levels are not nearly as exciting and I feel like the game begins with it's best set of levels but it's an extremely charming N64 outing.

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Excited for when this is out of Early Access, as the core gameplay is there. Only a handful of the levels really stand out or wowed me though, and as much as I love Monkey Ball that game is large-in-part carried by the level design. Hopefully by the time the full game comes out there'll be more interesting levels and better use of mechanics but for now this is a very fun romp. Support the devs and pick this up if you have any interest in these style of games because Iunno if we're gonna get anything better anytime soon.

Fun game with friends but why are there so many hackers for a stupid BEAN game.

Mario doesn't feel as nimble in this game and kind of suffers for it, but it's still a pretty good game.

The level editor kept me hooked on this as a kid. Don't even wanna know how much time I spent in that thing... the gameplay itself is alright. It's just a puzzle game now compared to the first Mario vs. Donkey Kong but it's fun in it's own right. I do hope they go back to the old format at some point though