Tedious platformer, stolen assets and other debauchery aside it's just a very boring platformer with the most lazy obstacles imaginable. Epic haha streamer content

Really fun n silly fighting game

Insanely charming and cozy game. The Pikmin are lovable (albeit incredibly stupid) lil fellas and the time limit adds a surprising layer of depth to how you tackle each days. Each area and the accompanying music also all slap like crazy. Definitely a game I look forward to replaying many times in the future :)

I miss the urgency of the first game and while the caves are neat there were only a few that really stood out to me. The new enemies/bosses are much appreciated though, and Louie is a very based fella. Also the new Pikmin types are really cool even if the purple one maybe trivializes combat a bit too much.

Dumb fun, I love romancing tech.

why can oreimo girl n taiga duke it out in a fighting game

A really fine and fun adventure platformer. The platforming is a bit jank and at some points feels like it was an afterthought but the variety of weapons are really nice even if some are clearly outshone. The idea of incentivizing killing enemies by making that the main way to get upgrades was also quite clever.
If this game was released a generation later and had a bit more refinement I could see this being poised as one of the best games of it's time. As is it's a game very much worth playing if you aren't put off by some typical PS1 jank.

Cute little game, feels quite underdeveloped for the most part but has some cool ideas and is very charming. For essentially just being a tech demo this goes above n beyond. That being said the charm and neat ideas can only go so far to mask some rather tedious gameplay loops with only a handful of truly interesting twists or puzzles.

It's okay for what it is but nothing really makes me want to return to it. The animation and art is pretty gorgeous and the callbacks to previous Behemoth games are nice but iunno. Only spent a bit over two hours with it and it does seem like it may benefit from some time but i really dunno if I'm willing to put in that time.