Counter-Strike remains the peak of e-sports and competitive games in general.

Of all the indie platformers I played when I was a wee lad this is the only one I've come back to numerous times.

Overly edgy and a product of it's time but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have some fun with this. The idea of doing a list of tasks every day is quite novel as well.

Wild how this more 'serious' game devolved into the Postal series we know today.

It's very mediocre lol

I've never got as deeply invested into the game as a lot of others, I must just be an uncreative bloke.

It's a blast, though Neon White's depth makes that game more appealing nowadays. Still fun to shave fractions of a second off your time, and the game's skill ceiling is immense.

Had high hopes but yeah this game sucks ass bros

Sluggish. Still a decent experience but I likely won't return to this over the first two.

At it's core it's the same Serious Sam as it's predecessors but a lot of the level choices and escort parts are unbelievably tiresome. I respect it going all out on the camp department but getting to the fun parts of this game is way too much of a chore.

Solid little platformer, didn't enjoy the movement a whole lot though. Outside of the core game nothing really urged me to finish all the side content but it was a fun five hour diversion.


Fun platformer with some neat physics

Even if running it on modern hardware wasn't such a chore in itself this game is the most buggy unfun mess I've seen in a hot minute.