Beautiful visuals, interesting and unique platforming, a killer soundtrack, slick controls. Peak platforming.

Some of the most charming worlds in a 3D platformer, collecting never gets boring and the game just oozes charm. It's what every collectathon should strive to be.

By far the most fun and exciting movement in any platformer, a lot of stars require treading the same ground though and a handful of worlds are a slog to complete. 100 coins works for a few stages but for the most part they aren't all too fun to collect. Timeless and held in high regard for great reason though.

The way every world is intertwined really brings a level of depth I wish more collectathons would achieve, and it feels a lot more cohesive in that regard than Kazooie. The platforming is a lot more lackluster though, and nearly half of the worlds in the game are either boring or outright bad. Still a worthwhile play though!!!!

Heavily flawed, but it's a very fun game if you're not going for 101%. The mini-games bog the pacing down, and the different coloured bananas add unnecessary tedium. Every character on their own is fun to play though, the worlds are all pretty fun to explore (with reservations for Gloomy Galleon), and it's a very charming game.

A lot more atmospheric, and the focus on the story does wonders for the game. Every location is magical in it's own right and it really feels like a cohesive world that you get to learn through each three day cycle you do. The loop can understandably be a deterrent for some but for me I found it just helped me get immersed into the world, and put the pressure on for completing each storyline.

I haven't played like any other 2d Zeldas but this one holds a special place in my heart. Very charming!

Wild how they perfected the formula on their third go and somehow made the games progressively worst after


Heavier focus on the platforming aspect than it's successors helps it a fair bit, as the gunplay is not nearly as refined. Still a fine arsenal that's very satisfying to use for the most part, some great writing and very lively planets to explore. The later third of the game is more of a chore to complete sadly, maybe I just got filtered or something iunno.

Perfect balance between platforming n shooting, even larger and more exciting planets to traverse, and even more neat weapons to use. The only sour point of the game is the villain/story is a lot weaker than the first or the third in the trilogy but if you're playing these games solely for the story I think you're kindofmissingthepointtbhdesune.

Probably the most satisfying arsenal in the entire series, all the weapons are unique enough and fun to handle. The leveling system also incentivizes experimenting with each weapon and using them more than it's predecessors. Sadly I just don't really enjoy a lot of the core game outside of those aspects... a lot of needless gizmos that you use for puzzles that break the pacing (one of these gadgets only being used in ONE planet which is pathetic), and the platforming as a whole has taken a backseat to the combat instead of being well integrated like previous titles. Still a fun game, but a lot of missed potential.

Dull gameplay, lame weapons, messy story and not very interesting planets.... Ratchetbros... we lost.