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No Man's Sky: Origins
No Man's Sky: Origins
Rain World
Rain World


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Rain World
Rain World

Sep 27

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This game is a masterpiece, but probably not for everyone. The game is unforgiving and hard, and a lot of people drop it after the first few hours. However, if you invest enough time into it, you'll slowly learn to appreciate the beautiful world and soundtrack, as well as the at-times stunning and exhilarating gameplay Rain World has to offer.

Each area is distinct, if not in art-style then in gameplay, mechanics, and encounters. The music in this game is otherworldly, the downright surreal experiences in this game are enhanced even more by the accompanying soundtrack. The main story elements and cutscenes are scattered and few and far between, but that makes each one all the more rewarding to get to.

The main "gameplay loop" is, get food, explore, progress, and sleep in shelters. This is all to ensure you can avoid the rain and survive. and to keep on going to achieve your current goal. There are a lot of moments in gameplay where you just barely survive and let out a sigh of relief, and there are also a lot when you are really close to making it to the next checkpoint and die.

There will definitely be at least one or two times where you will struggle for an hour, or even two, just trying to survive and get to a shelter, but if you can get through that, you can get through most things this game throws at you. You will need a lot of determination to push through some obstacles especially in the DLC and the harder slugcats.

The movement is fluid, though may be annoying to control if you haven't got the grips with it yet. Even if you don't know any tech, however, you can still pull off a lot of cool maneuvers. Throwing spears and rocks at your enemies, trying to kill them or to simply stun them for long enough to run away. Most of the time, even though a few parts of the game are RNG dependent, for example the length of cycles, where enemies wander to, etc, the game doesn't feel unfair, and you'll still feel mostly in control of what you can do.

If you have to be guided by a friend, be guided by a friend. If you have to look at the interactive map, go ahead. If your will is strong enough to go on your own, be my guest. Just try your best to experience this game, even if you feel that you want to quit, even if it gets so tough and annoying. I personally played through the game with a bit of the interactive map's and a friend's help and didn't feel like it detracted from the experience too much.

Overall, this game is amazing, and definitely worth trying out.