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Dragon Quest IV is my second favorite DQ game. Hearing that Psaro the main villain of the game was getting his own game, I was beyond excited.

The story is absolutely awful. Its a non cannon alternate take on DQ4, that doesn't understand the original's brilliance. Psaro should have had dialogue. Instead we get an awful yes and no feature that fails at every turn.

This game should have had you defeat Randolfo the Tyrant then have it end with Rose being killed, setting up the chosen's quest to revive her and save both her and Psaro. Instead Toilen Trouble uses time sand to show Psaro the future, so they save Rose and Psaro looses his redemption.

but i guess i got to use Calasmos, cool

Feels like a very small story in a grand world. That's perfectly fine. Slow but it is kind of like a big prologue to the trails series. For that its a great game.

I wish we got the Legend of Mata Nui over this diarrhea dumping dieses

This game is very boring. I like my Jrpgs with gripping stories. In this game you walk around a dessert talking to demons. I got 20 hours in and dropped because it was going nowhere. If I was playing a good Jrpg id already be griped in an interesting conflict. I don't know how SMT fans play these games.

I guess its fine. Feels Dated, especially for a jrpg from 96. Story could be a bit confusing at times but had a cool villain faction

Probably the best monkey simulator out there. If King K Rool was back this would be peak DK but sadly no.

Very good Italian simulator. I should know I am one.