the computer is a CHEATING BASTARD!

Prelude to Ky fucking an 8 year old

objectively the best game ever made

Why have sex when you can have BlazBlue: Central Fiction

petition to bring back the xx announcer

> Create a National Dex AG team
> Fill slots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 with Hoopa-Unbound
> Give all of them a choice band and Hyperspace Fury (the other slots don’t matter)
> Play a National Dex AG match with the team
> Profit

It took me 2 years to beat this fucking game. And yes, this is the hardest game I’ve ever played. Dark Souls can’t hold a candle to this motherfucking game.

Owl materialized out of my computer and fucked my wife, just as Shadow did before him. Tigger pulled out an AK-47 and killed my son. And Christopher Robin is the devil himself. I will never escape this game. Do not attempt to play it.

He can turn into a penguin wtf

Mario Kart 8 found dead in a ditch